I can't believe people didn't take photos of this set today. I mean, since this is being released within a month or two (says September for Japan. This means August for Hong Kong), what is on display in SD will pretty much tell us if HT modified the cowl or not...
And that's all there is from https://www.mwctoys.com/sdcc2014/sdcc2014_sideshow_hottoys_bottom.htm#topside
I'm talking about Batman. Not Alfred or Wayne...
I can't believe people didn't take photos of this set today. I mean, since this is being released within a month or two (says September for Japan. This means August for Hong Kong), what is on display in SD will pretty much tell us if HT modified the cowl or not...
Please GOD let them have modified the cowl. PLEEEAAAAAAAAAASE.
IMO, it could be cool for some collectors if they changed the cowl, but for the most part it would be a waste of resources creating a new mould. DX12 was as close as necessary for the vast majority of collectors. Maximum ROI.
It's amazing how they can get the 89, the Returns and the Arkham City sculpts perfect first time but we are now on the fourth? attempt at the Dark Knight sculpt.
Changed my preorder to the full set with BW and Alfred. I really didnt want an Alfred but i was dying for a BW. As long as it doesnt come in a big ass boxset ill be selling my Alfred on release.
Funny, I plan to sell my Alfred too!
Maybe this has been asked several times but does anyone know if this armory will fit in a Detolf? I can get the set with Alfred & Bruce for a very good price so I might get this eventually over my pre-ordered Groot & Rocket.