1/6 Hot Toys-MMS 236-TDK Armory (with Batman, Alfred, and Bruce Wayne Figures)

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Hmm. That's weird, picture description of the product might have led to believe otherwise...


Not that it would make anyone NOT get a custom one, but weird still.
I'm looking at my QS001 right about now. I feel like making love to it because of how pretty it is.

HT's TDK finest?

Lemme quote this one which is appropriate to this current discussion we are having. :lol

But in all seriousness, I hate how I, like a few of others here played right into the typical 'SSF Whiners/Complainers' stereotype clichés, but I just cant help it. This one is another sub par release by HT. They coulda give us a new suit with separate shoulder piece and a freaking head that looks like Bale like what they did with the 1/4 (since Im sure they werent planning on double/triple dipping on that one).
The eyes look better even though it's just because of the paint, but those mouth pieces are terrible. The gap between the mouth and the nose looks too long. They changed the mouth pieces to copy the 1/4th but they forgot to change the headsculpt to be proportionate to them.
Absolutely. It seems HT had difficulty copying the well-sculpted QS001 faceplates in 1/6 scale.

It seems its lacking in detail and they dont seem like they fit on the head. It looks like what headplay would do (shrinking the 1/4 mouthplates to 1/6 and offer it as custom on ebay) except judging by headplay's current standards, the mouthplate would prolly fit better and with same paint job level as HT's :lol
Lemme quote this one which is appropriate to this current discussion we are having. :lol

But in all seriousness, I hate how I, like a few of others here played right into the typical 'SSF Whiners/Complainers' stereotype clichés, but I just cant help it. This one is another sub par release by HT. They coulda give us a new suit with separate shoulder piece and a freaking head that looks like Bale like what they did with the 1/4 (since Im sure they werent planning on double/triple dipping on that one).

There's nothing wrong with being critical about a $700 release man, don't be so hard on yourself. You find faults with this releases and that's great, because there's faults.

I still believe that the only reason they reworked the living hell out of the QS001 was because of the EB one (the praise it was getting).

1/6? Zero competition, drink the cool aid dudes.
Lemme quote this one which is appropriate to this current discussion we are having. :lol


Hydeous said:
But in all seriousness, I hate how I, like a few of others here played right into the typical 'SSF Whiners/Complainers' stereotype clichés, but I just cant help it. This one is another sub par release by HT. They coulda give us a new suit with separate shoulder piece and a freaking head that looks like Bale like what they did with the 1/4 (since Im sure they werent planning on double/triple dipping on that one).

When production pictures strike and they make figures look a little off, I keep telling myself, "It's only a picture. It's only a picture." Like the tagline for Last House on the Left:


In this case the only things that bother me are Bruce's suit and both his and Alfred's shirt collars. Those, unless it's just down to futzing, are let downs in quality. It makes no sense whatsoever that the Joker had a better tailor!

I don't see ill-fitting faceplates, but the photos give the impression that the edge of the cowl is the shadow of a gap. In hand the head is going to be a lot smaller than the photos.

I like the headsculpts, and the armoury itself looks incredible.

For the price I'm paying for this, relative to other Hot Toys releases, Bruce and Alfred are bonus figures even if you count them as head sculpts and bodies.

My reasoning:

Batman £160
Armoury £100
Alfred £59.99
Bruce £55

Delivery £free.

Looking forward to this, but I'm sure it'll be a while before it gets here.

In this case the only things that bother me are Bruce's suit and both his and Alfred's shirt collars. Those, unless it's just down to futzing, are let downs in quality. It makes no sense whatsoever that the Joker had a better tailor!

Because in the bank heist scene, the Joker's suit is so rumpled, it looks like he had just rolled right out of bed.

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