As a set, it's pretty good. The Batman figure is disappointing, but I think that's because a lot of people were expecting a mini QS Bats. Even then, though, it's not half bad. They fixed the eyes, and, even though three of the four faceplates look pretty much unusable, at least the one they got right was the most important one. I'm kind of indifferent about Bruce, though, that's not really a dig against the final product; I was indifferent about Bruce when they first solicited it. He's not bad, but he doesn't "wow" me, either. Alfred, on the other hand, looks amazing. By far the highlight of the set, and the armory, itself, looks damn cool. Overall, it's a pretty good offering. If I was going to get it strictly for the Batman figure, though, I'd pick the QS 10 out of 10 times.
Congrats to those who are getting it. I like it, but not enough that I'd be in a hurry to buy it.