I must be blind. I just see paint.
I wish I could disagree with you.
I must be blind. I just see paint.
People are saying they've changed a lot of things. I suspect a lot of people are seeing what they wish to see.
So no side by side photos? Because to me it simply looks like the painting has been changed as so many of us have done.
I dont think anyone is denying that they painted the eyes. Which is something a lot of us did anyway.
Not a substantial change if you ask me.
The eyeshape is clearly different. I find it baffling that some people cant see it
Pisses on the dx12. About time HT.
Still not good enough though.
So that will be the only way to convince you?
It would be convincing.
I want to believe, I really do, and I hope I see a difference there, but I'm just not sure I do. I want to be proven wrong!
It looks to me like the eye area could actually be superior to the QS. That's impressive considering it's a smaller scale.