I actually want to see a comparison of the bruce wayne paintups
Different lighting but a comparison none the less.I actually want to see a comparison of the bruce wayne paintups
I'm thinking it should. If you remove the boots and the foot peg is the same as the DX12 w/o the foot part, then it should. That's my plan too if it does indeed work. Question is, will the empty cowl + neck fit well on the DX02 or will a mod be necessary?I just want to know if the DX 02 fits in the armory well. Do the pegs fit in? Does it look right?
Seems like a waste to have a figure as articulated as the DX 12, only to put it in some kind of trophy display. The DX 02 seems more suitable for that since the movement is limited to it's arms and it would actually benefit being enclosed in the thing with a neutral "arms at side" pose.
Seeing that shot of them in the plastic tray, it makes me wonder why Hot Toys doesn't just sell popular characters by their lonesome and keep them in a yearly distribution. Keep up the supply and demand of favorites/best sellers like Batman, Iron Man, Original Predator, etc. with a bare bones set that is nothing more than the main figure, hands, an accessory or two and a standard base in a simple box for about $230.
Basically, just this,
View attachment 130953
And keep them in constant rotation. It could be like a sub line like MMS: Classics. Just take their best selling figures and sell then without gimmicks, a lot of weapons, packs, exclusives, fancy packaging etc. Do it with Iron Man, Batman, Joker, any character that's popular. They'd surely profit considering there's always a need for those characters. They have no qualms about repaints, redos, or what have you, so why not. I bet it'd be more successful than their diorama or "compact series". It'd also combat recasting and secondary market issues.
Does Alfred have PERS or did they mess up the direction of his eyes, because from the close up in hand shots, looks like the eyes are positioned wrong![]()
Whoever wrote earlier in this thread that this was a value release was right. This packaging looks like DC Collectibles.
View attachment 131001
It's the same packaging you'd see with any of the regular MMS figures, just times three. Has there ever been an issue with the regular MMS plastic packaging? As long as it doesn't damage the figures I don't see the big deal in using it.
It's the same packaging you'd see with any of the regular MMS figures, just times three. Has there ever been an issue with the regular MMS plastic packaging? As long as it doesn't damage the figures I don't see the big deal in using it.
I dont see what the issue is, seems like sometimes people are complaining just for the sake of complaining.![]()
Wow, throwing a hissy fits over plastic packaging?![]()