Very happy with this set, my first dark knight figures. Can't wait to get a good joker!
Just got this, and I'm happy to finally have a Bale Batman in my collection. Awesome set, but man, the cape is just awful.
Very close to pulling the trigger on the Armory set w/o Bruce and Alfred (don't really care to have Bruce or Alfred, so no biggie). It's in stock at BBTS for $385. Not sure if I need to spend that much, but then again that's the cheapest TDK/TDKR Batman figure I've seen anywhere online.
Decisions, decisions...
What do you guys think?
I say go for it. You can easily sell those 2 figures if you are only interested in the armory and Batman). I would buy it immediately if it popped up for that price in Europe. Still bummed that Commissioner Gordon & Alfred were in very expensive bundles...
Isn't that the regular retail price for the armory without Alfred and Bruce?
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Not sure if this is helpful, but you can get the set with Alfred and Bruce for less than $500 on eBay. I bought it a couple of months ago and was able to do so.
Thanks for the replies, fellas. Another thing holding me back is the cape. Of course, the stock cape sucks, but I understand Tony Meis is no longer doing capes for this figure. If I were to snag this, I'd love to have Tony's full length cape to go with it.
Maybe I'm alone on this, but I like the stock cape. If you insert the cape into the holes properly, it lies really close to his body as it did in TDK and TDKR. Now, I'm not saying that the custom ones aren't good, aren't worth it, etc, but I'm enjoying the stock cape. I love seeing the mods and custom parts that folks do, but I equate most of that stuff to comparing a rib-eye steak to a NY strip steak: While I can tell there are differences, both are pretty sweet. Keep in mind that my advice is worth exactly what you paid for it.
I'm not sure if you have a replacement cape available but if you don't, I can't recommend it enough. When I first got this figure, as great as this figure was, the stock cape bothered me to no end due to how it draped unnaturally. It was simply too stiff and the folds were too out of scale. I quickly ordered a replacement cape ("lfirigno" - spelling is off) and upon receiving it and installing it, it immediately elevated the figure to another level. The proverbial "man in a suit" in 1/6th scale was accomplished.
The replacement capes are more subtle and softer and will lie even closer to the body.