There any time to fix up the issues?
There's time but there's no guarantee HT will do so.
So Batman by himself is $220? But that doesn't include the ripped cowl and Keaton HS? Those could bump up the price to $300+, so it may not make sense to wait for the part outs. Damn you, Hot Toys.
Cool Benjamin Bratt as Batman.
Yeah, might have to just forget about the torn cowl display. Heck, it might not have been my preference anyway, more a 'nice to have the option' kinda thing.
Hells ya!
Undecided if i should cancel my Optimus Prime for this
I would rather have the all black brooding ensemble from the beginning of the movie rather than a tux.
View attachment 183474
You don't cancel on Optimus Prime.
Batman can wait.
That's exactly what you do. And then you've got yourself a "Wedding Day Batman".You can't put the masked head on the body.
Batman > O Prime