Super Freak
I like the Sandie in lieu of the Stormie from the OT.
I don't think they accept imperial credits.
Unfortunately it's one or the other. I've tried to use a coupon on every order and am saving up as many rewards as possible until I can get a free figure. I'm close, just waiting for the next exclusive.
Just the 2016MAR one for $20
Damn, I really wish I hadn't stumbled into this thread yesterdayI swore blind I wasn't going to get into 1/6 Star Wars and have been buying up SH Figuarts thus far for my trooper needs, but I can't get over how uncannily accurate this figure is going through some of the photos in this thread.
I have some spare cash at the moment too, which is always dangerous. If I was just going to get one 1/6 trooper, should it be this one?
I wasn't going to get into collecting Star Wars either but I bought this one recently.
Good lord, does the Emperor ever look like a dork there. lol
The thing about Star Wars was, I didn't want to collect because I wouldn't be able to keep up with all the characters without going broke. Then I realized I can collect at my own pace. I have no desire to pick up a lot of what Hot Toys has released so far (looking at you, Luke, Leia, Han, Obi-wan, and Chewie) because they don't look amazing to me. With other lines, I would have to settle because it would likely be the only time I'd see that character in 1/6 for a long time. But with Star Wars, it's never going to end so I can be patient and wait for the next version of the character I want.
And for all the nostalgia I have for the Terminators on my shelf, that Sandtrooper has trumped them all. You can't beat a franchise that has been a constant in your life since your very first memories. It's a beauty. I'm looking at Boba Fett for my next purchase.
I caved and bought it! I'm sure there will be more Sandies, but orange cauldron is a must for my collection.