Sold my Sideshow trio of Sandies and bought a second Hot Toys Sandtrooper - still waiting for the white and black pauldron ones too:

Sold my Sideshow trio of Sandies and bought a second Hot Toys Sandtrooper - still waiting for the white and black pauldron ones too:
Nice shot jkno..i'm still hoping to pick one up..
If you have a Shadow Trooper the black pauldron is an easy switch. That's what I've done with mine. I've converted my Shadow Trooper into a Battlefront set up.
Sold my Sideshow trio of Sandies and bought a second Hot Toys Sandtrooper - still waiting for the white and black pauldron ones too:
Did you modded the weathering for one of the figures? Shouldn't they be identical? Or it's just the lighting (I'm looking at the spot on the chest, a sort of trademark for this particular trooper)?