Hot Toys - MMS 295 - A New Hope: Sandtrooper 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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I have all of SSC Sandie's. Pass for me for now. At these prices have to justify purchase. No rush to replace my SSC version right now. Have 11 flex pays to pay for first.

I have all the SSC Stormtroopers too.
There's nothing the HT versions have that justifies this price.
A body with blah blah points of articulation?
Because the Stormtroopers in the OT were dynamic posing all around?
Wow was not expecting that price tag....pretty fair compared to some of their latest releases. Anyone know a store that has it for less than SSC?
Weird that Sandtrooper has an NRD and Spacetrooper doesn't. I'd think more people would want the Sand over the Space and they would sell like way more of those (thus negating the need for Hot Toys to wonder about how many to make, etc).

Anyway, SSC's site was jacked up on ordering these earlier, so I just went BBTS route.
Yep, regardless of the NRD, one may as well wait for an incentive before ordering given the run sizes. Despite having ruled it out, it's a very tempting figure. Funny to me how cool Storm and Sandtroopers look just standing around not doing much. :lol Love that HT included the droid but have to join the chorus in that it does look like it was designed in a different time and doesn't really add anything to the Sandie.
If HT does a Dewback, would they go more articulated figure route? Not sure I'd get one of this big lizards, but I can see it being done awesomely by them
That silly flying buzz-droid will remain forever in the box.... ruins any classic Star Wars display.

Besides that, its horribly underscale.

I don't know what's up with HT and these droid extras. Vader's interrogation droid is closest to correct but still small, the Sandtrooper droid is way too small and the mouse droid is also a little underscale.
If HT does a Dewback, would they go more articulated figure route? Not sure I'd get one of this big lizards, but I can see it being done awesomely by them
Personally I think articulation would ruin the Dewback. HT would probably cover it in rubber and then just like ED-209 or Gamorra it would crack or be ripped to pieces. The only thing that could be improved on SSC's is maybe the paint and some small details with the accessories. Really I think what they did is about perfect. If I ever get the free space I'd pick one up in an instant.

That silly flying buzz-droid will remain forever in the box.... ruins any classic Star Wars display.

Besides that, its horribly underscale.

I don't know what's up with HT and these droid extras. Vader's interrogation droid is closest to correct but still small, the Sandtrooper droid is way too small and the mouse droid is also a little underscale.
Hmmm, knew the interrogation droid was too small (mouse looks about right to me) but interesting about the buzz droid. Like you say, though, it's no loss... There's just nothing about the design that screams Star Wars. I can live with the interrogation droid because it's just such a great design and I can't say I ever expected to see it in 1:6 at all.