Love this shot. The helmet sits in just the right way to make you appreciate how well it was done.
Is shipping in US $17.75? It says estimated. I received Chewbacca and BD Robocop for $10
Some are $10, others are what they list.
My Sandtrooper is $16.68 to ship 20 miles.
Not sure why these keep turning sideways, but I straightened out for you.
Nice quickie review ZE_501!
is it difficult to remove the foam inside the pauldron? I prefer it.[...]
[...]Still, I can't resist doing some mods.I'm converting the pack to the MEPD "pack #4" configuration for a black pauldron-ed corporal. Here's the trooper I'm going for from
I have extreme Dewback Envy. A squad of sandtroopers just don't look complete without a dewback in there somewhere.
We should start a support group for people without dewbacks.