Hot Toys - MMS 295 - A New Hope: Sandtrooper 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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Part of the reason im getting this Sand trooper is because of battlefront. To me they're the real storm troopers. Dirty and used in the real Star Wars world.
Great photo's but I want to see more of the stock HT Sandtrooper. Why so little trickling through?

Yeah, sorry, I don't have a complete stock HT yet. But I do have stock full body armor, Helmet and one hip ammo pouch. I ordered this on eBay to be a white or black pauldron version to accompany the complete stock HT figure coming from Sideshow.

Here it is...if you wanted, not sure why they come out sideways, sometimes. I know, I need to weather the pauldron.




Thanks, bro. I love this guy. Can't wait to replace all my Marmits...or most of them, with HT buckets. It will be a slow process as HT releases newer and different versions.

Aside from the helmets will you really replace the Marmit armor? You have some of the best looking Marmits anyway so how much better can they really get?

I remember back in the "show your troops"-thread a few of us wished for something as good as the Marmits only sharp. I knew we were there as soon as I got the Shadow trooper in hand almost a year ago. But still the Marmits are at least 90% there I think, and the Sandies even more so.
Fantastic pics and diorama Solo_bones :rock

Thank you! Seriously. Appreciate it!

Aside from the helmets will you really replace the Marmit armor? You have some of the best looking Marmits anyway so how much better can they really get?

I remember back in the "show your troops"-thread a few of us wished for something as good as the Marmits only sharp. I knew we were there as soon as I got the Shadow trooper in hand almost a year ago. But still the Marmits are at least 90% there I think, and the Sandies even more so.

Right on the money Anwe! I was trying to say I would only replace the helmets on my Marmits, not the entire Marmit armor, although I might change out the abs, cod piece and firearms on some of hem with HY, as they are better. I actually love my Marmit armor and figures, as I think they can be posed more like a man in a suit. The HT armor is so tightly put together, which is a great, great thing, is hard to work with on some poses.

It will be easy to army build with HT and Marmit as they are almost exactly the same. The armor is almost an exact match on size, with a few minor exceptions.

Scratch built! Just read back on the thread. Nice work! You should release a how to video

Thank you. It was the first dio or model I ever attempted. I was just shooting from the hip and I was trying for an artistic version, not and exact replica, but the more I worked on it the closer it was getting so I just went for it. I'm thinking of building another and doing that someday. Although I don't think it will be long before HT knocks one out. It was pretty pricey since I bought parts at the hardware store to shortcut scratch building 100% of its

But, thanks...appreciate it. It lights up too. I just need to fix one light hats shorting out.

Right on the money, Anwe. I was trying to say on many of my Marmits I would only replace the helmet, not the armor as I do love the customizing and different bodies in my Marmits. I actually think I can pose my Marmits more realistically than my HT. Although that's really not true. The armor is very tightly put together on the HT so it's hard to move around.

I think you can definitely army build between the two, as HT armor is almost exactly like Marmits, but with sharper edges and better cod piece, forearms and abs. I like the Marmit chest armor, calves better than HTs.
Had a little fun switching out my Marmit bucket with my HT. Here are a few with all custom Marmit armor with the dew back and then Hot Toys version/armor with the moisture vaporator, minus the Marmit cauldron and details from SS.

Surprised at how little new images of stock HT Sandtrooper are coming in. The above images are fantastic BUT I want to see stock images of the figure right now.
Congrats on the new acquisitions guys. The Sandtrooper looks amazing. It's one of my favourite type of troopers, but i already have both Marmit sandies, plus there's so many other main characters coming out....who am i kidding? Mark me down for one sooner or later.
Noticed this shot in the blogger pics. Can the head really sit that high on the neck or is it likely not pushed down all the way on the peg?