Hot Toys - MMS 295 - A New Hope: Sandtrooper 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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The Sandtrooper is about as perfect as a figure could be expected.

The only issue I could say is that the hole in the sand base for the droid support rod doesn't seem deep enough to prevent the road leaning over.

On the upside it works well with the extra little base. That's the kind of heavyweight base that should've come with Vader to support the Interrogation droid.
The Sandtrooper is about as perfect as a figure could be expected.

The only issue I could say is that the hole in the sand base for the droid support rod doesn't seem deep enough to prevent the road leaning over.

I thought that at first, but you just need to push harder and it will insert more into the base. Once it's in properly it doesnt topple, but depending on whether the rod itself is straight it may lean to one side. Just futz around with it and it should be OK.
I thought that at first, but you just need to push harder and it will insert more into the base. Once it's in properly it doesnt topple, but depending on whether the rod itself is straight it may lean to one side. Just futz around with it and it should be OK.

Okay, thanks. I'll give it another try. I was afraid of breaking it.
OK, going back to this....since I didn't want to beat a dead horse and keep pounding away....but this has to be addressed:

I guess it's going to come down to really how detailed you want to be. But I am seriously looking at the two helmets again right now and I am struggling to see the massive differences that you're talking about! In my review I think I point about maybe one or two of the differences, but to my eyes I just cannot see the huge improvements you speak of! In fact, I know many collectors who have the previous Sideshow Stormtrooper, and upon getting the new Hot Toys Stormtrooper wonder why they even bothered with the new one since they don't think it's a massive upgrade at all.

First, the Stormtrooper wasn't as much of an improvement compared the the Sandtrooper. The HT Sandtrooper has an improved more screen accurate sculpt. I didn't buy the HT [stormtrooper] for that reason. Although it was an upgrade from the SS armor, it was still imperfect enough for me to skip the purchase. Because I didn't want to be regretting my purchase like I did the SS sand trooper. The only thing that made the SS Sandtrooper worthwhile was the accessories....full stop.

Second, I am not going to beat a dead horse. You can't see the differences in the helmets between the two.....not an issue for me that you can't see it, personally. But many of us you can't say there is no difference when there is. If you made that disclaimer as that other reviewer had about not knowing all the intricacies and how many people like us really know it to a very detailed measure and not tried to compare it to another I think you would have been alright.

So, no hard feelings....just talking about the facts here.

Oh, and this is probably off topic, but going back to your comment somewhere on how Sideshow and Hot Toys use Big Data and analytics to gather collector feedback? I find that hard to believe to be honest. We'll just take some examples for Sideshow alone.

- I wonder what Sid

eshow ever did when so many collectors indicated that their Xwing Pilot Luke was grossly over-priced for what was included in comparison to the cheaper HT Tatooine Luke.

- What about all the complaints on Sideshow head sculpt paint applications that are simply too dark, too flat, and not up to the HT standards at this price point?

- What about HT and the requests for figures that they have teased eg. 1966 Batmobile, completion of the Sucker Punch team, Drax, Batman Returns Penguin and Catwoman. I almost get tired of collectors posting these requests in HT threads on the HT facebook page that HT seeminly ignores unless adding promotional photos.

- What about the upcoming Sideshow Darth Maul that many thought would be the definitive figure, but does not even come with an alternate head sculpt or a robe of all things! Shouldnt all the data that they gather highlight that many collectors think the release is ridiculous and make them do something about it?

I'm sorry but in this 1/6th hobby, I cant recall a single instance where big companies like Sideshow or Hot Toys have ever done anything different based on customer feedback. Perhaps the only thing they're interested in is their bottom line. Perhaps you think I should tell people to definitely rush out and replace their collections with HT so that they see an increase to their bottom line? For this particular figure, I wouldn't recommend that at all.

Here you go again, I think, just talking about things you have zero knowledge about. Why would you say you don't "think" they use big data analytics if you don't know? Seriously, why even say that? To me it sounds like this "you know....I don't even think the FBI does investigations....because look how many criminals get away with crimes". That's really a rather absurd argument.

Big Data and Analytics isn't an excel spread sheet for Santa to check off. It's basically a tool to measure a lot of data points that they can not analyze on their own based on only information (data) in their database or websites or web forums. Particularly when they are employeing sentiment analysis as a tool to extract information from web forums like this or many others and various social media sites. You may not know how they use the data, or what their criteria for adjusting course is, but that doesn't mean decisions aren't weighted based on some of this data collected.

As an example, gaming companies are literally changing where they spend their time in development based on what the users of the game are communicating is important to them. They literally shift types of game play, weaponry or maps based on this information. In the future most businesses approach to serving customers will largely be based on using Big Data to better target their customers. I have no idea how SS or many other manufacturers in this industry make decisions, I only know that they are using these tools. I told you that i had reached out to talk to the folks at SS about their practical application of BD&A and so I guess you think I am lying.

As I have said to you on numerous occasions, I have no need to pick a fight with you, despite the fact that you are essentially calling me a liar. I'm just trying to make the dialogue on this figure meaningful, accurate and informational. If you don't like details, information, facts and data....great. But that doesn't mean people should get a pass to say whatever they want without being corrected.

Have a good day/night.
koolkollectibleskhai said:
I'm sorry but in this 1/6th hobby, I cant recall a single instance where big companies like Sideshow or Hot Toys have ever done anything different based on customer feedback. Perhaps the only thing they're interested in is their bottom line. Perhaps you think I should tell people to definitely rush out and replace their collections with HT so that they see an increase to their bottom line? For this particular figure, I wouldn't recommend that at all.

Just look at the HT 1/6 Vader helmet sculpt evolution, the difference is there by simply looking at the first pics HT offered us of their ANH Vader compared to what was finally released, and most likely it happened because of negative messages from fans to some extent. So people like us called also "rivet counters" LOL have their role in the collectible business. Otherwise too many collectors would still be enjoying their Rubies Stormtrooper armor and POTF2 sculpts.

My advice for you as reviewer is to refrain for discussing accuracy from now on, unless you do a thorough job researching what is needed. No one asks a reviewer to know everything, but the moment you decide to talk about a few things you don't know too much about, there will be many believing everything you say, even if not quite true. As Solo said all this is not against you as a person, I usually like your reviews. Do your research and discuss it as it should, or simply avoid the subject. :)
I told myself so don't need this. I see Enzo's pics and now I need 2.
The orange pauldron is my favourite, so have to admit I'm thinking now if shouldn't get a second, then get a black when it's eventually released as opposed to one each in black/white/orange. I was in the same boat as you, btw, and planned to skip this but it's just such an iconic look and I love all the details and equipment.
LOL I couldnt help but post this. A few other folks helped find some other details with the helmet, and the surprising find was that the area circled in blue resembles a *****! LOL!! I'll never look at it the same way :)

OK, going back to this....since I didn't want to beat a dead horse and keep pounding away....but this has to be addressed:

First, the Stormtrooper wasn't as much of an improvement compared the the Sandtrooper. The HT Sandtrooper has an improved more screen accurate sculpt. I didn't buy the HT [stormtrooper] for that reason. Although it was an upgrade from the SS armor, it was still imperfect enough for me to skip the purchase. Because I didn't want to be regretting my purchase like I did the SS sand trooper. The only thing that made the SS Sandtrooper worthwhile was the accessories....full stop.

Second, I am not going to beat a dead horse. You can't see the differences in the helmets between the two.....not an issue for me that you can't see it, personally. But many of us you can't say there is no difference when there is. If you made that disclaimer as that other reviewer had about not knowing all the intricacies and how many people like us really know it to a very detailed measure and not tried to compare it to another I think you would have been alright.

So, no hard feelings....just talking about the facts here.

Here you go again, I think, just talking about things you have zero knowledge about. Why would you say you don't "think" they use big data analytics if you don't know? Seriously, why even say that? To me it sounds like this "you know....I don't even think the FBI does investigations....because look how many criminals get away with crimes". That's really a rather absurd argument.

Big Data and Analytics isn't an excel spread sheet for Santa to check off. It's basically a tool to measure a lot of data points that they can not analyze on their own based on only information (data) in their database or websites or web forums. Particularly when they are employeing sentiment analysis as a tool to extract information from web forums like this or many others and various social media sites. You may not know how they use the data, or what their criteria for adjusting course is, but that doesn't mean decisions aren't weighted based on some of this data collected.

As an example, gaming companies are literally changing where they spend their time in development based on what the users of the game are communicating is important to them. They literally shift types of game play, weaponry or maps based on this information. In the future most businesses approach to serving customers will largely be based on using Big Data to better target their customers. I have no idea how SS or many other manufacturers in this industry make decisions, I only know that they are using these tools. I told you that i had reached out to talk to the folks at SS about their practical application of BD&A and so I guess you think I am lying.

As I have said to you on numerous occasions, I have no need to pick a fight with you, despite the fact that you are essentially calling me a liar. I'm just trying to make the dialogue on this figure meaningful, accurate and informational. If you don't like details, information, facts and data....great. But that doesn't mean people should get a pass to say whatever they want without being corrected.

Have a good day/night.

Just look at the HT 1/6 Vader helmet sculpt evolution, the difference is there by simply looking at the first pics HT offered us of their ANH Vader compared to what was finally released, and most likely it happened because of negative messages from fans to some extent. So people like us called also "rivet counters" LOL have their role in the collectible business. Otherwise too many collectors would still be enjoying their Rubies Stormtrooper armor and POTF2 sculpts.

My advice for you as reviewer is to refrain for discussing accuracy from now on, unless you do a thorough job researching what is needed. No one asks a reviewer to know everything, but the moment you decide to talk about a few things you don't know too much about, there will be many believing everything you say, even if not quite true. As Solo said all this is not against you as a person, I usually like your reviews. Do your research and discuss it as it should, or simply avoid the subject. :)

Well said guys.

I think it's also safe to say that HT do keep a close eye on forum feedbacks, especially this one. SS do keep up with feedbacks and comments in this forum as well, but I don't know why they can't keep up with HT, asides the similar price range.

I think that's how thy get ahead and set up a new bench mark in the 1/6 dept. gone are the old days of companies not listening to the customer feedback, I guess that's what Medicom did, and look where they are now.
LOL I couldnt help but post this. A few other folks helped find some other details with the helmet, and the surprising find was that the area circled in blue resembles a *****! LOL!! I'll never look at it the same way :)

View attachment 231131

Yeah, Sideshow simply put the Stormtrooper p***s on their helmets instead of behind the cod piece...
I love this picture of him , looks like he is gazing of into the distance! :clap

Thanks, Aliaz! It looks so much better in person when you are looking up and see this from this angle. There's another there too.. I used to get sunlight in the summer....get's great photos then with the skylight above it.
Just got mine in. Wow, even the best pics don't compare to seeing all the details in-hand. Definitely very tempted to get a second orange pauldron now, but will try and hold firm for the variants, I think.

Release like this is really what 1:6 is all about, IMO. Love all the accessories and the base. Very glad I didn't pass this up.
Just got mine in. Wow, even the best pics don't compare to seeing all the details in-hand. Definitely very tempted to get a second orange pauldron now, but will try and hold firm for the varients, I think.

Release like this is really what 1:6 is all about, IMO. Love all the accessories and the base. Very glad I didn't pass this up.

Congrats! It really is a dream figure. :clap
Thanks, Aliaz! It looks so much better in person when you are looking up and see this from this angle. There's another there too.. I used to get sunlight in the summer....get's great photos then with the skylight above it.

It looks fantastic! :clap