Super Freak
Point me to the post if this has been covered, but has anyone fit a Sideshow Sandtrooper with a Hot Toys Sandtrooper helmet and waist armor? Just wondering how it looks and how to go about it.
Yeah tried that. They just slip and don't hold.
So general consensus is that this guy is awesome but does have some finicky, fragile bits to him?
I'm looking into picking up another figure for my display, but I have very limited space and only have room for six more figures in my small simple display.
Thinking about putting this on a shelf with ROTJ boba fett, and the jawas to do a general tattooine display...
Very nice. I really like your posing. Wish I had the space to only do one figure per shelf. It looks so clean and really hi lights each figure.
Very nice. I really like your posing. Wish I had the space to only do one figure per shelf. It looks so clean and really hi lights each figure.
Thank you. I understand that space is a issue for many of us collectors. I don't buy many so It might make it easier. I need to keep these one per case if anything to highlight that these are expensive SOB.
I just have Batman Returns to add to this collection and I will be done (to date). As it stands nothing in the current/PREORDER HT line-up that I have interest in owning.