Hot Toys - MMS 295 - A New Hope: Sandtrooper 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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Iron Man suits are different creations within the context of the films. Stormtrooper differences between the OT films are production/prop discontinuity - movie-making errors. Same as Luke's saber between ANH and ESB - and we've already seen HT doesn't care at all about saber accuracy.
and if it were only encyclopedia-style it wouldn't be so bad - it's more like annoying neighbor-who-never-stops-talking, finally have to walk away after midnight style. It's just run-on drivel like they're re-writing the books they're referencing.

Okay, there was any early rumor that this Hot Toys figure might include a Wamp Rat too. Still looks very nice.

Okay. Well this has been out for a while now so that was clearly just a rumour. Maybe one of the other Sandtroopers that we hope are on the way will include one.
The premium format Sandtrooper SS put out has a womp rat on the base so I think you may be confusing these two because the Hot Toys Sandtrooper has never been shown with a womp rat and I've never heard any sort of rumor about it.
Tought a lot about getting this sandtrooper but since i started to mod my Deluxe sideshow from the day i got it i quitted that idea.
Here is my modded sideshow sandtrooper with hot toys parts.
Body has hot toys knockoff ankles, chest, shoulder, biceps/ sideshow thighs, forearms, waist.
Chest armor modded in hot water to look and fit the body better.
Sideshow feets modded to accept ball joints.
Hot toys bodysuit, binoculars, shoulder and belt pouches.
What do you think guys?
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Good looking trooper Olbert! You picked a nice combination of parts. I'm hoping Hot Toys will put out a corporal sand trooper at Star Wars celebration. I would really love a trooper with RT-97C but I don't particularly want to pick up the SS sandy deluxe.