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Good points. I did like how Kylo simply force pushed Rey into the tree to incapacitate her before briefly dueling Finn, as he should and was easily able to do. The prequel trilogy had awesome saber duels, and I recall reading that's because the goal was to depict the Jedi in their prime.

I'd love to have a RotS Anakin and Obi-Wan figure from HT.
Actually, I'm not sure if Kylo is just stronger in the force than we're used to... or if natural artistic "progression" has bloated the way we should perceive the Force now.

Think, the Force Unleashed video games, but nothing near that exponential, lol.
I understand he will only get stronger and that this was a fledgling Kylo so to speak, but I don't think Rey should have bested him as easily as she did.

Let's not forget that Kylo Ren was both physically and emotionally compromised. His mind was just messed up by his ambivalence over killing his father, and he was just shot in the torso by a particularly strong blaster. Most people would be dead. He managed to almost kill Finn and capture Rey, as she was seen as an asset by Snoke.
Let's not forget that Kylo Ren was both physically and emotionally compromised. His mind was just messed up by his ambivalence over killing his father, and he was just shot in the torso by a particularly strong blaster. Most people would be dead. He managed to almost kill Finn and capture Rey, as she was seen as an asset by Snoke.

Many people need those dots connected for them.
Said it before and i'll say it again. LOVED how Driver/Ben looked in TFA. Always how i envisioned a Skywalker/Solo offspring would look. And his performance was a home run!

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Agreed. Adam Driver was excellent. His Kylo Ren/Ben Solo was a beast.

Can't wait to see more of Kylo and more of Driver (GIRLS starts soon and Jeff Nichols' MIDNIGHT SPECIAL opens in March).
I don't get all the folks saying his saber skills were weak. He wasn't trying to kill her, he had orders from snoke to bring her before him. He was also dominating the saber battle and had her on the run the entire battle until the very end when she managed to allow the force to control her. On top of all that, you have the post above pointing out that he got shot by the bowcaster, the weapon that was shown throughout the movie to be extremely powerful and he was still able to have a lightsaber fight. Seems like a strong villian to me, he's just full of conflict between the lightside and the dark.

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I don't get all the folks saying his saber skills were weak. He wasn't trying to kill her, he had orders from snoke to bring her before him. He was also dominating the saber battle and had her on the run the entire battle until the very end when she managed to allow the force to control her. On top of all that, you have the post above pointing out that he got shot by the bowcaster, the weapon that was shown throughout the movie to be extremely powerful and he was still able to have a lightsaber fight. Seems like a strong villian to me, he's just full of conflict between the lightside and the dark.

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People these days can't be satisfied. A character shows pathos = "He's a whiny *****." Kylo loses to Rey in the end = "He's emo and weak."

Kylo was incredibly strong in TFA. Had he not been injured by Chewbacca - Rey woulda been in trouble.
Yes, I think he was vulnerable after killing his own father that he probably let his emotions corrupt his skills against Rey, he was manical. Probably how he let himself get wounded by the blast shots and his fight with Rey. He also was suprised that somebody was able to match his skills so he wasn't prepared in the fight.
His saber skills aren't weak. I mean, he's a Sith, so he has to know how to use a blade.

It just seems he excels more in the powers of the force, instead of the other way around. Vader had kind of a balance of both and Maul was very, very skilled with a saber.
His saber skills aren't weak. I mean, he's a Sith, so he has to know how to use a blade.

It just seems he excels more in the powers of the force, instead of the other way around. Vader had kind of a balance of both and Maul was very, very skilled with a saber.

True Snoke did say he was named after " the Knights of Ren"

He must've had some experience though, look at all the damage on his mask and helmet. He has been through battles.
His saber skills aren't weak. I mean, he's a Sith, so he has to know how to use a blade.

It just seems he excels more in the powers of the force, instead of the other way around. Vader had kind of a balance of both and Maul was very, very skilled with a saber.

Darth Sidious = Most powerful Sith in a millenia. 500 times a faster combatant than the average Jedi Master. Yoda couldn't kill him.

Darth Maul = Undisclosed # of years training under Palpatine. Killed Qui-Gon Jinn.

Darth Tyranus = Almost a century of Jedi Training and ten years of Sith training. Defeated Obi-Wan Kenobi twice. Survived Yoda.

Darth Vader = The Chosen One (strongest living being with The Force), 13 years of Jedi Training, 18 years of Sith Training. Killed many Jedi.

Kylo Ren = Skywalker descendant, almost twenty years of Jedi Training under Luke, Ten years of Dark Side (Sith?) training under Snoke.

Maul is the only person one can really compare to Kylo in that they're both about the same age. Difference being we got to see Maul fight the Jedi without any injuries. Had Maul been shot the way Kylo was he would have been killed by Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan early on.

Personally I think Kylo would beat Maul. Maul may have had great Sith training from the best but Kylo/Ben is a Skywalker (extensive knowledge of the Dark Side didn't save Dooku from being decapitated by Anakin).
I think Kylo has competent skill with a blade, but out of those you listed, I don't have faith that he's close to being on par with much of them... yet, anyway.

By the way, regardless of whether Maul would have been shot or what have you, he would've lost that fight no matter what. He is, by far, the most arrogant of the Sith in the films, and I think a lot of that had to do with the fact that he was exceptionally skilled in his saber style.

And Yoda wasn't meant to take out Sidious. The Force chose Anakin as the savior because of how his destiny was tied to the Emperor. Doesn't change the fact that Yoda was kicking his ass though. The battle arena and that final attack played a part in sparing Sidious from certain death. The Force works in mysterious ways. :p
I think Kylo has competent skill with a blade, but out of those you listed, I don't have faith that he's close to being on par with much of them... yet, anyway.

By the way, regardless of whether Maul would have been shot or what have you, he would've lost that fight no matter what. He is, by far, the most arrogant of the Sith in the films, and I think a lot of that had to do with the fact that he was exceptionally skilled in his saber style.

And Yoda wasn't meant to take out Sidious. The Force chose Anakin as the savior because of how his destiny was tied to the Emperor. Doesn't change the fact that Yoda was kicking his ass though. The battle arena and that final attack played a part in sparing Sidious from certain death. The Force works in mysterious ways. :p

I don't think Yoda had the upper hand, hence his retreat.
He lost his footing and the high ground. Also, his saber went tumbling down to who knows where.

He was more than holding his own and pushing Palpatine beyond his limits... until the force explosion. That's what had to happen though. In another setting, Yoda would have killed Palpatine, hands down.

Mace Windu is supposedly second only to Yoda and Mace took down Palpatine without a scratch. Well... he certainly had some after Anakin showed up, lol.
He lost his footing and the high ground. Also, his saber went tumbling down to who knows where.

He was more than holding his own and pushing Palpatine beyond his limits... until the force explosion. That's what had to happen though. In another setting, Yoda would have killed Palpatine, hands down.

Mace Windu is supposedly second only to Yoda and Mace took down Palpatine without a scratch. Well... he certainly had some after Anakin showed up, lol.

You're mistaken. For starters Mace never had Palpatine. Palpatine threw the fight. Had Anakin already turned to the Dark Side at that point Mace woulda been dead along with Tiin, Fisto & Kolar.

Regarding the fight with Yoda, there's no setting where Yoda can take out Palpatine. Why? Because it would just be a re-run of what happened there. Yoda had ample opportunity to take him out - yet couldn't. The loss of the lightsaber and high ground happens at the end of the fight. Yoda couldn't beat him when he had the lightsaber and even ground.

People forget Lucas fashioned Palpatine after The Devil. He's the ultimate evil. The EU tried to make him just another Sith (which makes me glad its no longer canon). Mace, Yoda, etc...nobody could take him.
You're mistaken. For starters Mace never had Palpatine. Palpatine threw the fight.

Close to this suibject, the reason for Palpatine's appearance after the fight with Mace seems to be controversial.

But Ian McDiarmid stated in no uncertain terms that his, the actor's face, was the mask, and the deformed appearance was his true form.

"George once said a really useful thing when I began playing Palpatine (in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace), and I don't know if he remembers this. He said, "In a sense, your eyes are contact lenses." In other words, the Palpatine character was the most artificial-it was as if they had grafted his face and put in (his) eyes. Because the real Palpatine is the one who bursts forth at a calculated moment in Episode III just after persuading Anakin to kill Mace (Windu). That is when the true person comes out, letting the evil fully manifest itself. The Emperor that you see in the last film looks the way he does because he's very old and very evil-it is what he always looked like. He just had this carapace of looking like a fairly ordinary looking guy, a politician that smiled a bit, and so on."Ian McDiarmid[SUP][src]

[/SUP]"I don't think George had made up his mind when we started shooting whether to continually show Lord Sidious as he really is after his initial transformation or if Sidious would go back forth with his appearance. I (believe) when George finally saw Dave's wonderful makeup he decided that constantly changing Palpatine's appearance would be a step backward. So the moment in the film where I make the transformation is the way I appear until the end. It's an interesting sort of study in schizophrenia really-the nice guy you saw was revealed later in the monstrous mask as the self, the Sith self." ―Ian McDiarmid[SUP][src][/SUP]

Throwing the fight and making it appear that Mace had disfigured him was all part of his plan to gain sympathy.
Close to this suibject, the reason for Palpatine's appearance after the fight with Mace seems to be controversial.

But Ian McDiarmid stated in no uncertain terms that his, the actor's face, was the mask, and the deformed appearance was his true form.

Throwing the fight and making it appear that Mace had disfigured him was all part of his plan to gain sympathy.


There are still people who think Palpatine really got his face fried and that Mace had him. I always saw it for what it was - the final step in completing Anakin's turn, by making Anakin relive Dooku's execution with Palpatine at the disadvantage this time.
I often wondered, if Palpatine meant to get his face fried because he knew that they already figured out his agenda