Because i like his outfit the way it is now. And I don't get why he would want to change it just to be cool or something.
It wouldn't make sense.
He will change it to sell toys. Simples.
Because i like his outfit the way it is now. And I don't get why he would want to change it just to be cool or something.
It wouldn't make sense.
Because i like his outfit the way it is now. And I don't get why he would want to change it just to be cool or something.
It wouldn't make sense.
He might also change it because he lost his helmet, his lightsaber was destroyed, and his dry cleaner blew up with Starkiller Base.![]()
He will change it to sell toys. Simples.
Don't ruin the real life practical reasons with logical deductive reasons based on the story.
Because i like his outfit the way it is now.
Same reason they changed Anakins every movie. He was evolving. Kylo is turning into more of a Sith. Its important to show that he is changing visually, and it helps sell more toys. With the opportunity to refresh this whole thing, get all the little kids excited about the new Darth Kylo toys, why would they keep him exactly the same? The outfit he wore in 7 was just one idea they had for outfits. They probably have 100s of awesome outfit ideas.
Or they will keep it the same. The point is we dont know what they are doing. He could be drastically different in 8, or exactly the same. Neither approach would surprise me, although I would be a little surprised if he is exactly the same just because it would be a huge marketing opportunity lost, and I have a feeling Disney is going to stress that he needs to change a little. Because.... money. Lol.
He doesn't need to change visually just to show that he is evolving that's stupid.
And they would keep him pretty much the same because it makes way more sense it's simpler.
He doesn't need to change visually just to show that he is evolving that's stupid.
And they would keep him pretty much the same because it makes way more sense it's simpler.
This literally makes no sense from a story perspective, or a marketing perspective. There are 2 major advantages to changing it. Visually for the movie itself to show he is changing, and they can then make new Kylo figures and sell them to every 6 year old on Earth. If they keep the same design, none of them will have any reason to get the new one. Common sense man. This is DISNEY. This is what they do.
They COULD end up keeping him the same, but I seriously doubt it.
I get that they might do it to sell toys i just think it would be stupid. But from a story perspective it makes no sense to me. You don't need to change a character visually to show that he is evolving.
Because people here forget that these movies are made for kids first and foremost, and kids need to be shown things. If he is wearing something different, its a strong visual cue that he is changing, which obviously was the purpose of having him kill Han.
Because people here forget that these movies are made for kids first and foremost, and kids need to be shown things. If he is wearing something different, its a strong visual cue that he is changing, which obviously was the purpose of having him kill Han.
It really worked with Anakin in the prequels. They changed his outfit in each one and it was very effective. They didnt do this with Vader because Vader in ANH was already fully formed, he wasnt changing or anything.
Anakin and Kylo arent all that different, both were transitioning in each of their trilogies, and you supposed this not just with the story but also with various visual cues, one of which being what theyre wearing. I can easily see Kylo with a totally new saber that works properly, like a sith saber, and cleaner black robes, not the kinda ripped up looking ragged ones he wore in 7. Why would he progress more towards the dark side, and then still look exactly the same as he did in 7? That doesnt make sense from a design perspective.
I don't think Kylo will get a new outfit because they are going to introduce a new villain played by Benicio Del Toro.