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Got onto this thread thinking I'd check up on the 'cool Star Wars dolls' discussion and instead get treated to this—the Chosen One, bringing balance to my two warring sensations of laughter and disgust :wink1:

@subzero—sorry; I didn't see your post before making my own. Definitely excited at the prospect of getting Kylo and Rey; I'm not so sold on Finn yet just because I haven't seen all his accessories.

I do hope we'll see a Driver headsculpt in future, possibly with some kind of helmet gimmick, if his costume changes in future.
Later *******.

Take note Abrams, you suck.

Relatively new here... so uhh... do trolls normally go that hard in Star Wars threads??

Anyway, I left the theatre kind of disappointed that the new villain was a kid throwing tantrums. After a day to let the movie sink in, I grew to really appreciate this particular phase in his character arc. Can't wait to see how he evolves.

Nice figure. I won't be seduced by it though.

*edit - not sure if spoilers are allowed yet
So let's do a quick rundown here;

> We see Han take the bowcaster after chewie gets shot, shoots a Guavian Enforcer who goes flying back off his feet.
> On Takodana we see Han ask Chewie to use it and then fires it at two stormtroopers causing an explosion that sends then both flying. Followed with a "I like this thing".
> On Starkiller base as soon as a door opens they fire the bowcaster that again sends a guy flying.

Chewie fires a shot at Kylo Ren's side. He crouches a bit, force speeds his ass out to some woods, pounds the bleeding wound, throws Rey into a tree knocking her unconcious, toys around with Finn until Finn manages to get a shot on his shoulder so he then takes Finn to slumberland. Rey takes the lightsaber that has been calling to her since the Castle. She fights against Kylo who is clearly winning while also toying with her and gets her on the edge of a cliff. Snoke requested that Kylo brings the girl to him and Kylo tells her to let him teach her. Rey then does what Maz told her and focuses to let the force take over. She surprised Kylo who in the novel says "It IS her" because he knows something about her and is now surprised. Rey finally gets the edge and strikes him multiple times included at his face. The ground splits and kylo props himself off the ground despite injuries to his side, both shoulders, his leg, and his face.

Assuming these people aren't just trolling, I can only imagine they are confused by the lack of Sword Dancing they are use to from the prequels.

Perfect summary. I loved everything about this fight and Ren's character.

PS. Should we not be posting spoilers in this thread?
I loved the sword fights in EPVII. They are again actually acting like in a real sword fights. No crazy spinning and jumping around.

BTW ... why it's called lightsabre, why Lucas did not named it lightsword?!
BTW ... why it's called lightsabre, why Lucas did not named it lightsword?!

Because it sounds more "mature", perhaps? Lightsword sounds like the weapon a lvl 1 character would find in an RPG. Lightsaber has a certain ring to it. And it's pretty unique as well. Not many weapons use the "saber" term, most go for "sword". Energy Sword, Longsword, Shortsword, etc, etc...
I loved the sword fights in EPVII. They are again actually acting like in a real sword fights. No crazy spinning and jumping around.

BTW ... why it's called lightsabre, why Lucas did not named it lightsword?!

I liked how the fights were just raw and brutal, showing lack of finesse and training. The Preq Trilogy had great acrobatic and ornate duelling, showing the Jedi at the height of their power - well trained and graceful. I like both :)
I am in love with this character a Solo/Sith apprentice with whats going to be a good arc in story. I do hope for a HS down the line though.
Interesting post on Facebook from Hot Toys.

The long awaited latest installment of the Star Wars saga, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, has finally hit theatres across the globe and already broke a number of box-office records! The story of one of the film’s main characters Kylo Ren and his actions have become highly popular topic among Star Wars fans!

Hot Toys’ 1/6th scale Kylo Ren collectible figure has also received numerous positive responses around the world since its official release and we have decided to accept pre-order again so more Star Wars fans can enjoy this stunning collectible figure!

Fans who are interested in adding the Kylo Ren collectible figure in your collection can contact your local Hot Toys’ official distributor for details.