Looks great, Jay. Can't wait for Ren to ship from SS.
How does Ren's visor work on his mask?
Is it a deeply recessed cloth screen? What is it in the movie?
How does Ren's visor work on his mask?
Is it a deeply recessed cloth screen? What is it in the movie?
Funny, I could have sworn I saw a glassy visor. Must be my expectations.
mesh material used in visor, replicated and positioned based from screen-used artifact
I am looking forward to the deleted scenes on the Blu Ray. I want to see the scene where Kylo locates the Falcon on Starkiller and sits down in the cockpit.
Did that rumor turn out to be true? I remember reading about that before the film released and was rather disappointed when no such scene was in the final cut. Has it been confirmed anywhere that this scene was actually filmed/if it will be a deleted scene on the blu ray?
Reading through the visual guide gives me a little more hope that such a scene may have actually been filmed. On the snowtrooper page, there is an image of two snowtroopers inside the falcon, and the text next to the image reads "Snowtroopers come in from the cold to examine the interior of the Millenium Falcon after it trespasses into First Order territory" Makes me think perhaps Kylo did board the falcon after all, and these troopers accompanied him.
I am looking forward to the deleted scenes on the Blu Ray. I want to see the scene where Kylo locates the Falcon on Starkiller and sits down in the cockpit.
I just want to see chewie rip off limbs in graphic disgusting fashion. Probably may 4th for the blu ray I am guessing?
Anyone know the cheapest place to secure a PO? Sideshow tax and shipping would take up all my rewards points alone. BBTS and AlterEgo are out and AFX is out of the hot toys game.
Check out Timewalker toys, they are available there and they have great service and cheap shipping too!
Just watched a really thorough video review of this up on youtube....
...really shows off the detailing, the fabrics and just how well done this figure is.
It pushed me over. I ordered it.
Check out Timewalker toys, they are available there and they have great service and cheap shipping too!