Invictus Sol
No Life in the Void
Just saw the movie last night and thought they did a great job with Ren. Has the potential to be the best since Vader. Wish we'd gotten these kind of character insights with Maul.
Man, this figure looks BA. Can't wait to get him in hand.
Disney's casting call has omitted Adam Driver and named Benicio del Toro as the "villain" on two occasions now.
Do we assume that Kylo was so badly disfigured in TFA that he'll return as Benicio del Toro in Episode VIII?
I just came back from the movie (fockin Greece showing it one the 24th instead of the 18th) and I have some theories concerning Kylo:
Theory 1:
He went full-on bad-guy after Snoke probably promised him something (ascendind to Vader's level perhaps?) and by the end of the Trilogy he'll turn to the light, but not by dying like Vader. Rather becoming a Jedi again, like Anakin (well, he became a Sith, but you get what I'm saying) did at the end of ROTS. I'm not completely sold on this one, since you can see that the's clearly having emotional problems and that he can't cope with all the stuff he's doing.
Theory 2:
Kylo's a sleeper agent. I mean, think about it. He's having breakdowns all the time, he talks about being conflicted, and his scene with Han had him almost falling to the ground and crying. Plus, it'd make sense why Rey beat him so easily. His heart is not with the Dark Side, so he's having trouble truly mastering it. My best guess is that he and Luke set up this plan to draw Snoke out when Luke started suspecting that something was wrong. In order for it to appear genuine, they staged the whole thing, even fooling Han and Leia.
Now, I'm not saying that I'm dead certain it's one of these two, and I've probably missed some stuff, but hey, we've got close to 2 years until we see him next, so it's speculation time I guess. As for the fig, dunno. I liked the design in the movie, but the figure turned out a bit too..."plai" for my tastes. I have others to hunt down first (OT), but if I have some spare funds, maybe I'll go for it next year. Or I'll just wait for the Ep.8 redesign, and hope that his outfit is a tad more detailed.
1) Should be in spoilers thread.
2) neither theory is correct.
Killing own father (and letting him do it) just to lure someone out? Too far fetched. Nope.
Nobody knows what's correct until a Marvel comic or SW movie shows it.
That's not true. You can watch and learn the basic themes of Star Wars and draw conclusions very easily. Also, basic logic will give you answers if, again, you know the way the Skywalker family history has played out.
The novelization basically confirms Kylo much like Anakin succumbed to over a decade of Sith seduction. Snoke began speaking to him telepathically as a child and by his 18th birthday had completely sold him on the power of The Dark Side.
The way Kylo differs from Anakin is that Anakin only accepted Palpatine's offer to save Padme whilst Kylo did it solely for the promise of greater power.
The novelization is a great read.
That's not true. You can watch and learn the basic themes of Star Wars and draw conclusions very easily. Also, basic logic will give you answers if, again, you know the way the Skywalker family history has played out.
A double -agent? No. And Kylo cannot live now that he's done what he's done (you know what I talking about). He will die in a great sacrifice to save Rey, much like Vader did to save Luke. He will ring balance to the Force. It's not sexy or convoluted, but it is the way Star Wars plays.
To be fair Anakin was redeemed and he LITERALLY killed children and his wife