Congrats to all who want it. Great looking figure but unlike able character. Pass for me.
Congrats to all who want it. Great looking figure but unlike able character. Pass for me.
Glad to see that I'm not the only person who didn't care for her character. If she has a bigger role in Avengers 4 maybe I'll reconsider ordering her.Congrats to all who want it. Great looking figure but unlike able character. Pass for me.
Why can we only voice opinions that are praising the character? Didn't realize that you loved a fictional character so much that someone saying that weren't a fan would call for a personal attack on that person. No one attacked you. I stated that I'm glad that other people are getting a figure that they want. All I said is I'm not sure if I'll get her or not. She hasn't done anything that I find super interesting.I'm just hoping they have improved the material on the arms or inside the arms. I have Gamora and you can't have her in any pose with the arms bent very much. Shuri looks to have the same thickness arms.
The only character i have been meh on is Ant-man but i would never say it in that thread. I guess it's because i would never go to a thread and put down a charcter that people in thread like and love to make myself feel better but that's me.
Why can we only voice opinions that are praising the character? Didn't realize that you loved a fictional character so much that someone saying that weren't a fan would call for a personal attack on that person. No one attacked you. I stated that I'm glad that other people are getting a figure that they want. All I said is I'm not sure if I'll get her or not. She hasn't done anything that I find super interesting.
Maybe you should examine your own self esteem before attacking others for not sharing your opinion. I'm voicing my opinion on a figure and maybe the reason I'm here is to see what people are saying about a figure that I have mild interest in. Of course realizing this might require an ounce of thought which I'll assume is too much effort for you.
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People acting childishly in a different thread justifies you doing it in this one? Also you don't get to decide what people should be talking about, just because you don't want to talk about like or dislike of the character doesn't mean others won't, it also doesn't give you the right to insult those people. No one I saw ever said you couldn't like the character. Some people, myself included, just said we aren't huge fans of the character.
No one I saw insulted you or anyone else who likes this character. You on the other hand came out and said we had to "put a character down that other people like to make ourselves feel better". Insinuating that we have to make others feel bad to feel better about ourselves.
Since my comment proceeded your comment and your comment basically criticized comments like mine I assumed you must be talking about people like me. A personal attack doesn't require you to know the person.
I figured you'd get hung up on however I worded my comment, because when you can't challenge someone's thought just criticize the way they say it. Clearly my point was still conveyed well with the the words I chose. Anyway hope you all enjoy your Shuri figure and that no one else says anything negative about her or talks about something you don't think people should talk about.
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