Hot Toys - MMS 719, MMS 720, MMS 721, MMS 722 - A New Hope: Sandtrooper Sergeant and Dewback 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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I think this was one of the photos that was used in the middle of the original novelization, which makes it nostalgic.

I'm a little bit tempted, though big statues aren't my thing. Made an exception for Sideshow Jabba because he's an actual character.
Yep that's what I remember 100%. On closer inspection the hair looks a bit tatty, but am happy HT added the fur to the beast !
I love the idea of the swap-out front leg but not sure why they didn't make it more "standing" in pose to have that option - I guess its nice to have variety, but its basically a straightened "in motion" version of the bent "in motion" leg, both equally denoting walking. A more static "rider dismounting" pose option might have been nice with that extra leg.

And jeez this is one FAT Dewback. From side view it looks heavily pregnant. Maybe it just swallowed the escape pod.

And that sucks re the closed mouth being DX only - both versions should have had that option because the toothed mouth looks kinda goofy.
Definitely need some more pics in here.








Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in…

This must be the oldest graveyard figure to ever actually go into production. What’s next? Baze? kit? Death Star trooper?
DST will go up soon. Just like the Dewback, HT has done way too much work tweaking it for it not to now see a release.
Are you printing stuff for that?
Since I don't have a printer myself I bought some printed items.

How good does the Sergeant Sand Trooper look as well !! Those OG helmets look soooo good compared to the Disney ones.

Weathering also looks amazing !

Seems they also got the pushed up black visor trim screen accurate as well.
I actually think it's lazy on HT's part that they seem to be re-using the Sandtrooper helmet from the previous release, which was modeled specifically after the "move along" trooper with the pushed up black visor. But beggars can't be choosers, and to be fair, this is HT's best OT stormtrooper helmet variation IMO.
Since I'm replacing all helmets with 3d prints it's a non-issue for me anyway.

Super excited for this! This was in my top 3 wish-list for 1:6 figures for years, glad to finally see it happen.
Oh the release of the sergeant on his own gives me a use for one of the extra orange Stormtrooper Squad Leader pauldrons I have sitting around!
I'm definitely going to try to pull that sleeping roll back up onto the saddle somehow. Just to make the saddle not look too long.

Shouldn't be difficult to adjust it so it sits up on the back of the saddle.

Screenshot 2023-08-18 at 15.15.35.png
Has anyone compared the specs to the original sideshow dewback? I’m thinking they should be pretty much identical in length, width, etc.?
This is already up for pre-order on La cité des nuages (Belgian shop, my usual go-to).
The trooper alone is 259€. With the 10% members discount bringing this to 233€ this was the easiest pre-order I've made in a long time! Also one of the cheapest in a long time.

Deluxe dewback with trooper is 759€. They also have the deluxe dewback without trooper, so this does not appear to be a Sideshow exclusive.