Hot Toys - MMS 798 - A New Hope: TIE Fighter Pilot 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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Again, I just don’t understand why Hot Toys don’t nail these things. This isn’t even a human likeness where it can become very subjective. This is a tangible helmet design….
All of the talented artists gets assigned to Iron Man, Spider-Man and what ever else sells the most. This one was done by the intern…
View attachment 761072secret base shot. This don’t look right…

Did the Empire have a "Take Your Kid To Work Day"? That helmet looks more oversized than the one Jake Lloyd wore in TPM lol...

Unfortunately this counts towards the only 2-3 OT figures in a year situation. Last year was only endor han, esb Chewbacca, and a repacked stormtrooper (not counting the gloriously overpriced sideshow aliens). With rots anniversary
I used to feel tinfoil-hatty thinking they miss the mark on purpose, but it's reaching that point.
i think it’s deliberate. Make a good to very good to maybe great figure that they can revisit and improve upon. They know us suckers will double dip. Look at maul! Watch the scout trooper get a good 2.0 in a few years with the correct helmet. It is not a good business plan to make perfect figures.
I still have the Sideshow one on display...



...and it still holds up really well. The HT one does have a few issues. Those hideous boots, the thin limbs. The helmet does read a bit big in the photos. Wonder if the often-loathed "fat suit" could actually help the proportions here. As it looks, the flight suit is a little too form-fitting, with the slim base body appearing too slight and throwing the final look off even more.

It will be interesting to see if any adjustments are made here before production & release.
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Just so everyone understands what they are looking at in terms of helmet to body proportions... the TIE pilot hasn't been widely seen in full-body view very much. It is indeed somewhat of a bobble head look, though maybe the HT takes it slightly too far.

It looks great, but what else are people on this forum supposed to do if they're not allowed to tear it a new one?... (Asking for a friend)
They really didn't put any love into this and it shows. This is why it annoys me when companies get exclusive rights to an IP/scale/region.

When they have their market cornered there is little reason to put in the effort otherwise.
They really didn't put any love into this and it shows. This is why it annoys me when companies get exclusive rights to an IP/scale/region.

When they have their market cornered there is little reason to put in the effort otherwise.

When HT put a new figure up for pre-order they usually make it their Facebook banner image.

Their current banner image is still the Red Hulk:


The TIE Pilot's getting criticised here and on their FB post, yet all those Youtubers who love the sound of their own voices seem to be in love the figure. :unsure:

At first I thought I'd be reluctantly pre-ordering because it's an OT figure, even though it's not a very exciting one having already got Sideshow's. Yet the more I looked at the HT the less appealing it became.

Hopefully HT realise it's their lack of effort, and not a disinterest in the OT, that will potentially be hitting pre-order numbers.
I also wish they'd stop doing characters that SSC already came very close to nailing when there;'s so many other choices of never-nailed or never-done characters.

In the final analysis I'd say the SSC Luke Snowspeeder was about equal to the HT version (both had significant pluses and minuses - I have a couple of both figs) and the HT Tusken is nowhere near as good as the SSC one, same with the Jawa. And speeder bike is only slightly better.

It's not that a slight upgrade isn't welcome, it's just that the overall excitement of seeing that character in 1/6 is lessened if we've already seen an older figure take it to that 8 or 8.5 level. So seeing a 9 (you hope for a 9.5 or a 10 but that very rarely happens) isn't all that exciting, and the whole endeavor also runs the risk of turning out to actually be just another 8 - or even a 7.5, as is the case here.

I guess there is the price benefit for newer collectors - the new Dewback is slightly better than the old SSC one, but it also costs only a little over half what the SSC one had been going for on ebay. But I'm talking about the sheer excitement factor.
Well,maybe we all have to whine and criticize a bit more. They reworked a few figures before. So just ask Jedha Patrol to bitch about it on his channel,maybe we get lucky,and HT takes a look at what’s disliked :shakingfist:
Well, Jedha tends to have a problem with those who want to see improvements for figures. He probably thinks the stock prototype looks great enough as is.