Hot Toys - MMS 87- Planet of the Apes General Ursus spec + hi res pics

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I would exactly fear that just yet. It could be some real hair problems that is plaguing them.

Hopefully. :eek:
I hope that isn't the case. I'd really love see HT carry this a bit further. I'd be in for Taylor, Cornelius, Zira and Zaius for sure.

Me too. Just because they haven't yet announced the next wave of Apes so close to the release of the first wave doesn't mean that there won't be one.

This isn't Sideshow... who have regular announcements and releases of their lines. They inform their customers regularly of next few items planned for any given time. It is when there are no more announcements (the 12" lines of Buffy, POTA, Highlander, Lord of the Rings) that we know that a line is dying.

That doesn't appear the way that Hot Toys operates, at least most times. Take Hot Toys Hellboy line. I'm sure that with the sale of the first Hellboy being what they are that there will be a second wave... even though we haven't been shown what is in development.

Still too early to pull a Chicken Little at this point. Let's just see what kind of attention these monkeys get when they finally arrive.
You're quite right Proto. HT wait till their figures are sold out. Then they announce the next one. Just in case they decide to improve upon the initial one. Then it's too late, and you'll have to buy the new one. I bet that doesn't happen with the PotA. The rerelease part I mean.

They've been taking their time, so they're probably allowing more time for pre-orders to fall off. Then they'll make their run.
But most things are announced fairly close together and follow number order in the MMS line. That's what makes me wonder if they are going to bother doing Cornelius, Zira and Zaius.. there is quite the gap now.
I wonder if they plan on making some a DX version. Maybe that would be why the long wait between Ape announcements.

I can see where the PERS system would really enhance ones like Cornelius and Zira since most of the acting and emotion had to come from the eyes.
What do you think about that ?
The picture comes from the first link and seems to belong to one of the guy of "". The costume of the ape is a bit dirty/dusty. I don't know if it's done on purpose or if it's a custom. He's awesome anyway.
No, SSC discovered you shouldn't release an entire line, and all its variants, at once then complain that they don't sell.

Well said my ape brother!!!!

Hopefully Hot Toys has learned from Sideshow's mistakes and are pacing themselves accordingly.

What about the Ape world exactly that turns our fearless leader, Darklord Dave into a troll? :confused: