It's hard to predict what Hot Toys is likely to do anytime. I'd say they have these so cheap because it's a borrowed licence, because let's face it, none of their figures have been this cheap in ages.
More to the point, they have been frying bigger fish, like figures from more recently released films. This is one they can come back to, or maybe they are allowing more time to have pre-orders build up to a point here they can make one complete run.
So no, I have nothing to tell as far as when they are likely to be released. The last thing I knew was that they were supposed to come out around February or later. So where are they? Hot Toys are becoming rather messy. They used to put up a proto pic, call a release date and only ever be a month or so late, "delay due to their professionalism to guarantee the quality" type of reason. These days they put up a pic they take it down they change the proto to a revised proto pic, their release schedules are blown out, in this case by six months or more, as well as having to wait 12 months for any sign of movement. Sorry, I got carried away. When are these damn dirty humans releasing the apes? Which reminds me I still have to order General Ursus. Had to pre-order the so called limited release Captain first, which is still readily available for pre-order, it's so limited. Limited to what? Oops, got carried away again. Sorry.