I thought it was "You locked me in my room.""You sent me to my room."
man.. I didn't want this figure because I have the NA version, but this photo is definitely making it hard to pass.Whoa. This photo is ridiculous.
My favorite image posted is actually a tie between these two:
She looks great!Love your Team Cap set up! I think you're right, she does resemble Lizzie more in the CW version. Her hair seems okay straight out of the box, did it take much futzing?
Practically none at all. Her head comes in a plastic sleeve to protect it during shipping and the hair just had to be spread a little bit to give it a fuller look.
Received mine from HK yesterday. I think the CW version has a slight edge over the AOU NA version. Not sure if sculpts are the same, but paint on CW seems to to resememble Elizabeth Olsen a little bit more. Below is a comparison and her with the rest of Team Cap
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View attachment 309395
Nice TC display. Is Ant-Man out in HK? I didn't realize he was if so.