There's always a sucker out there willing to pay whatever...
I want this figure too, but your "justifications" for paying full price such as the fabrics, the stitching, and the hands with the fire effects are absolutely weak reasons. She is definitely not worth top-tier character prices. Brand recognition is a huge factor in pricing and Scarlet Witch def ain't got it.
But hey, you don't regret it and that's all that matters!
Or rich people.
Not sure I understand "
She is definitely not worth top-tier character prices. Brand recognition is a huge factor in pricing and Scarlet Witch def ain't got it."
Are you saying 'coz she's not Batman and like that she's not worth top-tier prices, because only the geeks know who Scarlet Witch and Moon Knight and even Thanos are anyway, or are you saying even if her costume construction/paint etc. is reasonably complicated she's overpriced? Or both?
Hafta agree to disagree to a degree LOL. Doing 1/6 clothes is not that easy IMO. Even if this is production work. The more seams and materials, the more potential problems. And IMO doesn't matter re character recognition for a personal collection. If I wanted, say, a fig of that blonde waitress from the Avengers in my collection, that's my business.
Re bein' a sucker - yep, guess so

. I mean there's complaints all over re rising HT/poly prices. CW Bucky and BP IMO were pretty pricey for not having a whole bunch of accessories. Then you get figs where the lower leg is just falling off or something. The BS where you get warnings that "Falcon's goggles may stain if left on for extended periods" and I strip my WS and the cheap dye of the undersuit has stained the body and other folks complaining of splitting rubber arms when 20 year old rubber Gumby toys are still going strong. Peeling pleather.
But after getting a few AC figs, KOs, misc. bodies - I'm fairly new collector but so far hafta say when I've picked up a spare HT body it always seems to be better. Heavier. Far as I can tell few companies can match HT - maybe DID and ASMUS for costumes that I know of. HT has sculpt problems but IMO when they are on, they are ON. Like SW has gorgeous paint.
So like you say, I look at my collection and I'm happy
d@mn these are gorgeous figs. *Shrug* you play, you pay. Or not.
Don't remember thinkin' as I messed with those SW fire effects and smoothed her hair out "those HT b@st@tards! They've got $50 of my money they shouldn't have had!!!!" So I'm happy flaring SW's coat out and like that, and you're happy with your 200$+. And can't wait for the IW reveals so HT can slap me around some more $$$

. Got my first Thor on order (even w. those rubber arms

). Suspect I'll be getting another Wanda too when the time comes.
Life is good.