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This is getting annoying, I'm fine with a couple of days delay but I was charged what seems like a week ago. I also ordered a tony stark on Sunday and it shipped Monday, I'm starting to think they don't have these, maybe there shipment didn't arrive when they expected it to:dunno

or they really are ALL at SDCC downing the drinks and rubbing elbows with HT employees...:slap
Nah, they caught wind of this thread and decided to hold them a bit longer and watch as the panic sets in, lol.

This really ticks me off as it looks like I could have gotten Thor and had him shipped and still had time to use money from my birthday next week to pay for Cap had they waited until they were actually ready to ship. Now I'm stuck here with no figures, wondering if I'll ever get Cap and seeing all the Thor guys get their shipping confirmation while my card was declined... :gah:

Whew, okay, I'm good now. :lol Sorry for the rant.
Mine shipped tonight. No email yet, but has a tracking number on my order page. Apparently they double packed it with Thor.

edit: read it wrong...not packed with Thor. Two separate tracking numbers.