I don't think I'm THAT annoying. I try not to quote a bunch of pictures just to contribute a row of smiley faces, but I'm sure I have other means.
PS: that's a pretty obvious new name if you're back. You should quickly change it to something less obvious, something preferably Batman related. I didn't mean to hurt your monkey's feelings. You're a nice guy...Eddy.
whos eddy
Btw you're annoying.![]()
Back to our regularly scheduled droolfest.
This will be my favorite figure come very soon!
I was expecting it too.
The delay sucks, but my gut's telling me it's more to do with production on the PERS and other QC type things more than making changes to the figure.
I have a feeling PERS is probably a significant element in the delay of the figure, it's uncharted territory for HT, I'm sure some glitches may occurr along the way. As good as HT is, they can't know with certainty how things will work out in production, it's one thing to make a one time piece for the proto, but manufacturing the tech may not be possilbe how they first anticipate and compensations have to occur.
I'm sure the final product will be fine, but regardless of any corrections on the figure, I had a feeling because of the new PERS technology, this figure would see a delay.
Definately. PERS is the only thing that should be delaying this. The clothing isn't really anything new for them so PERS should be the only hold up. And being the first figure with it, there are bound to unforeseen production problems with it. But I'd rather have great figures later than OK figures now.