Actually, if I was wishing for things it'd be for DX Batman to hurry the heck up, but we all know that's an impossibility.
If I was wishing for things it would be for the DX Batman to be the best Batman figure HT can put out with no complications and for it to completely blow the rest of the competition out of the water. I hope that's a possibility but I don't know they might get lazy and not do anything...still a little disappointed sometimes it's a rubber suit still...meh, but it probably can't be made of anything else.
I admit the arrival of DX Joker will make the wait for DX Batman harder, but if I don't get DX Joker soon I'm going to go nuts, I have such high anticipation for it, I don't want to wait anymore.
Whats wrong with the rubber suit? It looks great to me. I dont think hot toys will get lazy, their just about the best 12'' figure company out there! But I also think this is probably going to be a really cool batman figure to add to our display shelves!I just wish they werent so expensive!
That exactly how I feel about their john connor figure, I dont care what anyone says but christian bale potrayed connor excellently, and with such intensity! He better ship soon or im going to go crazy!
the parts are out for this figure already
the parts are out for this figure already
Connor's different, that's more an annoying feeling for me, had the head come out right in the first place, we'd have had him a month ago and we all know it, DX Joker has the lingering "WHEN?" with him.
And I loved Bale as Connor, I only wish he had more screen time, too little Connor in the film.
Erm, They most defintly are not.
the parts are out for this figure already