Most comments on here have been laughable!! So much negativity, but I guess it is normal here. What I don't understand is reading comments saying they don't like it and they would buy it, only for whatever parts they need e.g the purple coat or just keep the joker cop and throw away the dx joker with movable eyes, oh get this because it has big eyes!
What a waste of money! I honestly think the new joker is excellent, sure not perfect, but a well done improvement from hot toys. So much niggledy iggeldy bits your complaining about.
Look guys if you dont like it......don't buy it!!
Well I'm not.

To be fair though, If someones paying a huge amount of money for an item, then I think they're more then entitled to criticize areas of it that they don't think comes up to scratch. If I had money to burn I'd buy it anyway, as It's still a lovely thing to have, but as I don't I won't. I'll just concentrate on getting the parts that I think have been improved upon, and so far I think thats coat and the pants.