Same stuff you're using?
Same stuff you're using?
I kinda wish I'd know this would happen like this, I could have waited another month to save some money, I went with an HT shipment feeling the extra cash was worth not waiting an extra 3-5 months to get the figure, which had he come out in July/August as scheduled, it would have been, and I would have thought the gap would still remain when the HT got pushed out, so would DCD, I guess it goes to show figures that have that 3-5 month gap probably have it for no reason other than they just do, if DCD and HT can be so close to each other on this deluxe set, a basic figure should be no sweat either.
Personally I would never pay extra to get an item early. I don't see the point. Plus I'd rather support a U.S. dealer.
Plus I'd rather support a U.S. dealer.
Me neither. I can't see paying a 25% premium (or more) to have a toy for 3-extra months.
the dye is a liquid rit dye. The liquid dye is not as strong as the powder dye. I put some warm water in a tuperware container and then a table spoon on royal blue rit dye, teaspoon of navy and just a drop of black. then rinse and wash the fabric. Then after it dries repeat with only royal blue dye to give it a true dark blue look.
Biggest problem with the tie imo (and this includes the BillyB ties) is the fabric: should be silk-like, not shirt-like material.
Biggest problem with the tie imo (and this includes the BillyB ties) is the fabric: should be silk-like, not shirt-like material.
Biggest problem with the tie imo (and this includes the BillyB ties) is the fabric: should be silk-like, not shirt-like material.
WOW! I really gotta hand it to all you customizers. You guys are mighty brave to do all the things you do to such expensive and rare figures. I'm not gonna touch or change one single solitary thing on mine when I get it. besides it looks perfect as is.
but more power to all you brave kit bashers out there.
The shirt to me is more glaring of a problem in that respect, but I think the rationale BillyB was using was that the dye would bleed with that complex pattern on the shirt.
Personally I would never pay extra to get an item early. I don't see the point. Plus I'd rather support a U.S. dealer.
it is really a great figure