Hot Toys - MMS DX 01- The Dark Knight - The Joker spec and pics

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I think this figure is too late for all of us who bought V1. I'd prefer to spend my money on another HT figure instead the V1.
Speaking now only about this amazing piece, I'm glad HT included at last the movable eyes :google and all of the improvements.

:blissyTHIS FIGURE ROCKS :rock
kinda random...anyone noticed that one of the two police officer behind the cop joker is the prison break guy head sculpt...
So he broke out of prison and became a cop hehe
I realize that the sculpt is most likely the same as the BR Joker sculpt but who cares mang!

I think it's all new, hair's definitely different. I think the lips and eyes have a less squinched "you remind me of my father" look and more a flat, looking around at the mob buys at the table look, which is what I dreamt this sculpt would be.

To me, this new portrait and makeup scheme is the best average of Ledger Joker. It'll cover the bank robbery post mask removal, the mob meeting, killing gamble, burning Lau and the money, and the Prewitt building siege.
That Joker looks really cool!

...But I'm not getting it.

I'm happy with my Bank Robber.
I like the Bank Robbers smeared make-up paint job a bit more than this one. :)

Just my personal opinion though, this one looks great too.
It looks very good with movable eyes, in some angles he looks like he is smiling and at the other angles he looks like he is mad or some sort. But I really feel the pain of everyone who purchased their v.1
anyway, the retail price of DX joker is HK$1250, which is able US$165
This is just too simple for debate...

1) This figure set is awesome, so I will get it.

2) Even if I wasn't impressed with the character/figure itself I'd still get it just to support Hot Toys and their pushing the 1:6 envelope even further.

3) If you ever need a good, hearty laugh... look at this, then look at Sideshow's Indiana Jones as German Soldier.

That is all.
This totally makes those who spent 165 US + on their Version 1 Joker look silly. I find it tacky. They should have come with an officer and nurses outfit so people who got V1 wouldn't feel like they got ripped off. Oh well... love the moving eyes.
Grumble grumble grumble...

I had no interest at all in police joker but this extra full joker set almost sells it for me... guh... the moveable eyes, and the new outfit so nice... may end up caving on this one... sigh. I guess i could turn my v1 with br head into a interrogation joker, still, way too many freakin jokers!

Also if i had to guess about the eye system, it looks like much what i'd always expected moveable eyes to be, the pupils look to be holes in the eyeball, and then you'd simply insert some thin tool and move the eye around from the outside. I don't see th em doing the removable hair section like enterbay or magnets like customs have done. Seems more logical to just have the eyes utilize real holes in the pupil (which is technically realistic) and a small needle sized tool to move them.

If he's really only gonna be like 165 or so i may end up getting him, if here were 200 or up i'd probably pass but if he's close to regular ht price gah.. i hate you hot toys i really hate you sometimes.
If he's really only gonna be like 165 or so i may end up getting him, if here were 200 or up i'd probably pass but if he's close to regular ht price gah.. i hate you hot toys i really hate you sometimes.

I'm not sure how much US retailers price their figure, but HT HK already accept preorder for this
This totally makes those who spent 165 US + on their Version 1 Joker look silly. I find it tacky. They should have come with an officer and nurses outfit so people who got V1 wouldn't feel like they got ripped off. Oh well... love the moving eyes.

Mine cost me $199. $52 for shipping or so.

Grumble grumble grumble...

I guess i could turn my v1 with br head into a interrogation joker, still, way too many freakin jokers!

Thats what I want to do with mine. I do agree though, how many Joker's do we need now after this one? and no sarcasm from others please. The film is feeling old now and it's Joker Joker Joker now. I want this line to end so I can stop spending. Not keep milking it. :eek:

If he's really only gonna be like 165 or so i may end up getting him, if here were 200 or up i'd probably pass but if he's close to regular ht price gah.. i hate you hot toys i really hate you sometimes.

I'm probably going to get it, 99.9% sure of it, but as you said what the price will be is the deciding factor.
kinda random...anyone noticed that one of the two police officer behind the cop joker is the prison break guy head sculpt...
So he broke out of prison and became a cop hehe

Actually he did in one episode ;)

But wow! Moveable eyes! Perfect! If any figure needed them it would certainly be the Joker. Plus the seperate eyes add so much more realism. I just got the 24 figures a few weeks ago and it is creepy how real it makes them look!

Definately glad I got some truetypes coming so that second outfit will be used :rock
Well if these were seperate figures they would be $150 each so if you take away the extra $40 for the body and say $10 for not needing a 2nd box that would make this $250?
Wonder if Joe will need to amend the preorders he took for this? Anyway, I have 6 TTs coming and this will def. need to use one. Movable eyes.. wow. Shame they couldn't throw this into the Don so it could really take Enterbay on head to head.
Well if these were seperate figures they would be $150 each so if you take away the extra $40 for the body and say $10 for not needing a 2nd box that would make this $250?

meh.... I may get this... just take the head off my V1 Joker and place the head with movable eyes for this one... and sell the extra purple outfit on here. Naturally I would keep the grenades.
Here are two things I noticed

(1)The tie looks to be made from a new material

(2)The Joker's chain is longer
yea i noticed the jokers chain too which i love because it is more screen accurate. I dont care how much this thing it I dont collect anything except for batman stuff so if this is the last one than it is a must have in my book.

Also do the shoes also look a little different, more beat up than the original???