Glad i could help .
Do you think we should make a Heath Ledger thread for his anniversary?
Or do you think the MODS will delete it saying "theres too man joker threads" waaaaa waaaaa waaa
no problem there were a lot of threads of joel too...
Glad i could help .
Do you think we should make a Heath Ledger thread for his anniversary?
Or do you think the MODS will delete it saying "theres too man joker threads" waaaaa waaaaa waaa
Actually I know pressing does not require Ironing but before Rory press's he hovers the Iron over the fabric. That is why I mentioned it.
DR. Futzer doesn't fk around
Just bought a mini iron from amazon. I'll have it Saturday.
DR. Futzer doesn't fk around
Yeah, I'm sure that helps quite a lot to tame the wrinkled fabric. But maybe layer it with another cloth and don't use the iron directly.
Yeah thanks for the advice, so do you ever Iron your figures clothes?
Can't wait to see Maglor's futzed,ironed and pressed DX 11 Joker.
I'll be lucky if I can get him to look as good as Rory's. But my lapels will be different...
Just bought a mini iron from amazon. I'll have it Saturday.
You mean straight same as everyone else?
Mags, mags, mags. It's ok to be different.
Joking..ahem..aside. I watched all the Joker scenes in TDK yesterday, took about 10mins, hard to believe he was in it so little. But anyway, you can hardly see his lapels in the movie, even in HD. But they definitely are uneven in the underground truck chase/hit me sequence. You can glimpse them as the "slaughter is the best medicine" door opens. And to a lesser degree later on the street as you pointed out. They are not even straight on the poster. No idea why they seem more extreme on the costume pics, error perhaps, but both Ledger's make-up/hair and wardrobe was all over the place on TDK. So anything is relevant as long as you are happy with it, and I love the look, and it certainly helps with scale.
Oh, I'll make them uneven, but I'll base it on a "hit me" screen cap, not on the post shooting costume.
Here is a new review, the normal face looks good here, better than I thought.
Someone should invent an Iron at about 1/4 scale so we can use it on our 1/6 scale clothes
I'm gunna invent it and be rich!!!!! Muhahahhah
Edit ))))))))))) Nevermind