Ah, rather genius.
Not really, would have been better had they been sewn into the lining itself.
Ah, rather genius.
Not really, would have been better had they been sewn into the lining itself.
Anybody else have crooked lapels on their coat? I'm talking about the grey jacket underneath the overcoat. Mine has uneven lapels, like so:
Not sure if it's supposed to be like that or not.
EDIT: Nevermind, realized the jacket wasn't on straight.
Yep, don't like the magnets idea at all, because of this reason. Would have been better if they were sewn as mentioned above, or used snaps like banes jacket.
Thankfully the lapel still stays in place so you can't tell, but it still bugs me knowing it's not there.
Yes it is meant to be like that because the whole thing about the Joker is chaos and things are not meant be in order. Unevenness means it is not in order, the same goes for his missing button on his vest as this to establish that things are out of order because the buttons are not all lined up in a straight row as one is missing.![]()
So are the cross eyed, broken PERS one could argue![]()
Actually I am wrong, the magnets came off one of the lapels from a fellow freak but not the coat like your one did. Aren't the coat magnets sewed into the coat? I know they are not under the coat because I checked.
**** never mind that's the lamp.
Nice pic, but must we post pics with 2 million pixels in them? It takes forever to load and format the page. Resize is your friend.
Nice pic, but must we post pics with 2 million pixels in them? It takes forever to load and format the page. Resize is your friend.
missed out on First shipment of these as I have a DX01 already , & couldn't quite justify it
missed out on the VIP from SiDe Show, so Pre-Ordered a Regular version from a Local Distributor for a few bucks more than SS price..
Ok, so, I couldn't sleep 2 nights ago , as I was gonna Bite the Bullet & buy 1 from Evil Bay & Pay like $70.oo to have it shipped over as I was just to excited ??
But, I was flicking through Side Show Website , and Blow me Over !!
I saw DX11 with VIP for only $274.oo USD (in-Stock) !!!!!!
I quickly Hit the Buy Now !! , & it was 4.30am & I definitely couldn't sleep after teh Purchase, so because of teh Time Difference I Called up Side Show USA in CA & spoke to a really nice Girl called Jenifer ..
and said, Hi Jenifer , I see the DX11 is out of Stock & only taking Pre- Orders ??
But I think I just bought a DX11 with VIP that was in stock for same price ??
"Yes Sir" you sure didand that will costs another $33.oo USD to have it sent to you in 10 Days time by Fed Express !
I am like OMFG !! Holy Crudd Sweet Mothers of Jesus , how the Hell could this have happened ??
I asked a few guys already , and they dont understand how it was possible either , but I swear I got my Screen Shot, Of the Date I bought It & I am still not quite believing it
So, I will try to cancel the Local 1 now, or exchange teh Deposit for some thing else ??
any one know how this could have happened ??