Viking Spawn
Super Freak
The above store has it. Looks great and a different twist for a custom
The above store has it. Looks great and a different twist for a custom
What're you doing to your Joker head, Fiend?
Joker looks like he wants to shot me for taking his picture.
No but he has the expression right after when he turns aroundDo you guys think think joker has the look to be pose "Hit Me" seen?
They re-did it for tv when I was a kid and I remember it being creepy as well.
ugh god, I remember "hello danny" when he opened the curtain. Yup that haunted my dreams for awhile. lol
If anyone is weathering/painting their coat, make sure you mix a medium greyish color... I mixed mine more like his makeup and it's way too bright. I'm gonna try to wash mine off and start over.
The Shining? Yep, had many haunting dreams about room 217. F-ck. I thought the mini series by Stephen King was better than the original movie with Jack Nicholson.
My tip is to do some testing, páinting behind the coat to see how it looks, and then you do the final job weathering, thats how I did it.