Maybe. I never used it but I hear good things about it and it can wash out. I used soft pastels which can also be washed out. You can mix the colors too like I did for the gray.
I'm still deciding.

I never thought it would be that big of a head ache to pick. This will be my last sculpt that Skiman will paint ( at least for the foreseeable future) so I want it to count. Plus I don't think I will be buying many more ,if any , custom Joker sculpts. Im leaning toward the Nurse make up actually. Maybe the Hit me paint. I dunno.
One thing I didn't want was the paint to be all messed up like the MCU since I already have the laughing sculpt for that but MRM sculpt looks brilliant with it. The best one out of the lot that he's painted I think. Ill make a decision once its ready to ship.....I think.
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