The KO truetype and the outfit should work fine with those sculpts.
Which KO TrueType? Was it one of the ones I reference.
The KO truetype and the outfit should work fine with those sculpts.
Which KO TrueType? Was it one of the ones I reference.
Ok guys so im attempting to kitbash a DX11 joker. I have the hot toys DX11 and the hot toys bank robber 2.0 joker. I want to use the spare head sculpts for a kitbashed.
I found these on ebay and wanted to know if it would work with the DX11 and Bank Robber Headsculpts without any modding.
Did you end up picking up any of those bodies and kitbask it? I am looking for a neck joint for the smiling head and they have it at toy anxiety for 5.99. I am now thinking might get the $16 KO body that includes that part.
Have you guy seen the new OSK Joker head? I've ordered one for a future kitbash I hope to make, if not, then an extra for my BR 2.0
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