HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs & Pics

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Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

I don't have the DX02 or DX12 in hand so I can't compare like some of you but from everything I've seen this looks like a fantastic upgrade. I don't plan on modding anything but the cape but then I said that about TF and ended up doing a handful.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

They see me rollin', they hatin' . . .
I so wish I could convince myself to get this to accent the DX11 but at $250 I can't justify this purchase. It's not worth the cash. Might just pick up the BW sculpt and call it a day.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Soooooo many mods for what has been hailed as a highly improved figure :huh If it's so good, why the need for all the mods?!?! Still no real dynamic poses posted...ok, one by Mags with one arm down & one arm up:thud: Nothing out of the realm of my DX 02.

This thing needs gauntlet mods, hand mods, face plate mods, cape mods, ankle mods, eye mods, thigh mods (some think) and neck mods...

How can this be considered anything more than moderately better than the 02?!?!? :huh

This is not a giant step's the DX 4s...:rolleyes:

After having the DX12 for a few weeks now, must say it is certainly a step forward of the DX02...just not a very big step forward. It's FAR from the definitive version of Nolan's Batman but it is the best one out currently
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

I can concur with that. It's the best out there but HTs stopped the real advancements at the suit upgrades. The rest of it is only slightly better than the 02.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Any chance for a custom lforigno Keaton cape in the future?
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Was one of the lucky ones who scored one from CSC first batch! Awesome figure!
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

You guys are gonna be pissed that I don't have pics, but I sanded down the dx02 talking mouth. It turned out great! Those that want to try, be sure to sand off more from the upper back so the top portion of the mouth sits in more. It's kind of weird, yulli, who originally sculpted it, nailed it for the most part, but the fact that the top portion comes out a bit gave him a kind of beak like mouth.

But once sanded down, it'll get rid of the beak effect and look like bale is talking or just has his mouth open.

It wasn't easy, there was a lot of sanding, fitting, re-sanding, re-fitting until its just right. However I have not figured out how to make it firmly sit in the cowl, as the peg needed to be cut off.

Currently it's just sitting in there, and any quick movements will cause the face plate to fall off. I'm still trying to figure out the peg part, but the end result is fantastic. I'm gonna sand down the remaining dx02 faceplates just to see how they'll look. I'm still thinking about sanding down the newer plates, but since they're brand spanking new, I'm gonna have to think real hard on it.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Where's the best place to get a custom cape?

DX12 cape is great, just have to know how to futz it and have some patience on getting it to lay right. personally don't feel the need for a custom cape on this figure. previous versions yes, this one no

Well, I don't have the DX12 yet, but I'm sure I will go for another custom when I get him.
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Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

5 months and over 1000 pages since the first post, I have my DX12. Excellent figure. Still figuring out the cape clips!
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

They are in. I was so sure I was going to snap these!
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Was one of the lucky ones who scored one from CSC first batch! Awesome figure!

What? When did this happen? I talked to them this past week and they still weren't sure when their 1st batch was coming in from Sideshow. I am within the first 10 on the list. This will be my 2nd DX12, and I am baffled on how you got yours from them if Sideshow is still fulfilling their orders.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

Now standing on his own two feet. No missing, broken or misaligned armor panels.
After all the negative vibes, I was getting concerned. Must say that I like this and I think it'll go well on display with the BatPod when it arrive next week.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

What? When did this happen? I talked to them this past week and they still weren't sure when their 1st batch was coming in from Sideshow. I am within the first 10 on the list. This will be my 2nd DX12, and I am baffled on how you got yours from them if Sideshow is still fulfilling their orders.

They said I was within the first 18 so I got the email and picked it up. Not sure if its with anyone else's but I went through two DX12 and both had shiny spots on the cowl from the tape around it. May be a common problem so I may need to buy a second cowl. CSC didn't really have any to replace after that.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

They said I was within the first 18 so I got the email and picked it up. Not sure if its with anyone else's but I went through two DX12 and both had shiny spots on the cowl from the tape around it. May be a common problem so I may need to buy a second cowl. CSC didn't really have any to replace after that.

Hopefully I'll get mine next week then. I'm certain I placed an order for it the day it went up.
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE Full Specs &

You guys are gonna be pissed that I don't have pics, but I sanded down the dx02 talking mouth. It turned out great! Those that want to try, be sure to sand off more from the upper back so the top portion of the mouth sits in more. It's kind of weird, yulli, who originally sculpted it, nailed it for the most part, but the fact that the top portion comes out a bit gave him a kind of beak like mouth.

But once sanded down, it'll get rid of the beak effect and look like bale is talking or just has his mouth open.

It wasn't easy, there was a lot of sanding, fitting, re-sanding, re-fitting until its just right. However I have not figured out how to make it firmly sit in the cowl, as the peg needed to be cut off.

Currently it's just sitting in there, and any quick movements will cause the face plate to fall off. I'm still trying to figure out the peg part, but the end result is fantastic. I'm gonna sand down the remaining dx02 faceplates just to see how they'll look. I'm still thinking about sanding down the newer plates, but since they're brand spanking new, I'm gonna have to think real hard on it.

Blue'll hold it.

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