that's exactly how I feel! especially when I started customizing figures. It only made them more of mine and like no one else's
Agreed! out of the box, fan-freaking-tastic! Originally I didn't want to do any mods, just wanted to keep it stock, but like you say, there were things I was nitpicky about like the gloves/guantlets for instance. None of the mods are necessary IMO, but it is fun to do
I wasn't looking forward to it to be honest

Usually when I get a HT figure I like to leave it stock. Not for resale value or anything but for some reason, generally, I like them stock even if modding them amkes the more accurate. but for this, like I said above, I was being nitpicky and just had to rework things about it.
and with that said...
was playing around with my camera and think I got some decent shots minus the full body shot. Here, I've sculpted new eyelids for the squint and sanded down the back of the mouth pieces so they fit deeper into the mouth. felt they stuck too far out before. Aldo I modded the chest, gloves and gauntlets. Personally, I don't the think the smirk mouth looks so bad or rather happy here now that it actually fits into the cowl properly. i think the squint helps it a bit too.