1/6 Hot Toys MMS Jawas & Power droid

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I bet that Gonk costs HT around $10 to produce. A couple wires and lengths of bendy stand and a simply painted hollow plastic box.
Now if someone wanted just the gonk, I'd be willing to maybe split the set depending on how the costs all fell into place. But still.

That's the tough thing about this set. I'm going to end up with an extra Gonk droid just to get two Jawas, when I barely even want a single Gonk droid. At a cost of approximately $550, to boot.
This set is a ripoff. As others have said, for $267 it should've been a pair of Jawas with the Gonk droid.

I wouldn't pay more than $40 for that Gonk Droid. And no way that Jawa is worth the remainder of the price ($227).

I guess it's worth it cause HT included a stand for the Gonk droid....:lol

The Gonk Droid gets a stand, but R2 doesn't even with 2 releases. :slap
This set is a total cluster f all the way around. Price, color, stands, gun being wrong, not having 2 Jawas, price again.
But, I remember the bashing those sideshow Jawas took upon release. They got destroyed and rightly so for the bodies, crap stands ( a theme) and hood choice. They were a pain to futz and set up. So, 1:6 companies suck at Jawas. I want c3po, bespin han & lando. Now I feel better.
I think once people start dyeing the HT robes a bit darker and weathering the bandoliers, this figure could shine. The usual suspects here will turn this into a fantastic Jawa.

I really hope HT overproduced this set because I'd love to get this set for maybe $150 on ebay.
This set is a total cluster f all the way around. Price, color, stands, gun being wrong, not having 2 Jawas, price again.
But, I remember the bashing those sideshow Jawas took upon release. They got destroyed and rightly so for the bodies, crap stands ( a theme) and hood choice. They were a pain to futz and set up. So, 1:6 companies suck at Jawas. I want c3po, bespin han & lando. Now I feel better.

And don't forget about the price... :wink1:

I think once people start dyeing the HT robes a bit darker and weathering the bandoliers, this figure could shine. The usual suspects here will turn this into a fantastic Jawa.

I really hope HT overproduced this set because I'd love to get this set for maybe $150 on ebay.

Don't forget about fixing the eye color and getting a replacement base/stand (Coco version, of course).

I think that the fact that there is only "1" Jawa will keep it from dropping much in price. Most want more than one, so that should keep the price fairly stable.

The Gonk may initially go for a premium and then possibly drop in price as a glut is created in the secondary market. But that's just my guess... :dunno
Wor, I will even add the snow trooper commander to that list. Remember that glorious hot toys prototype?
I saw the ss and thought, I will wait for hot toys.
Wor, I will even add the snow trooper commander to that list. Remember that glorious hot toys prototype?
I saw the ss and thought, I will wait for hot toys.

That's true, forgot that one.

I wasn't even counting the teased HT figures that HT dropped. That's a whole other mess that's only been getting worse with time.
Yellow paint. Even I can do that.

For half the cost of this set, I could have had an excellent Solo_bones Jawa that was perfect. Again, the expectation that HT would beat all has failed me.

Snowspeeder Luke, Maul and now this Jawa.

Those Solo_bones Jawas were amazing. I still have pics of them saved.

I have to admit, having the Sideshow Maul (2.0) and Jawas has saved me a bit of cash-o-la in not having to buy the HT versions. Who would have thought...
I think once people start dyeing the HT robes a bit darker and weathering the bandoliers, this figure could shine. The usual suspects here will turn this into a fantastic Jawa.

I really hope HT overproduced this set because I'd love to get this set for maybe $150 on ebay.

Haha I think those days are over for cheap Star Wars. That was going to be my plan for the Solo figures, but they're selling out pre-release, so had to secure some preorders.

People will probably pay $150+ just for the Gonk. I wonder what Toy Anxiety will sell him at, there's not much else in this set to make up value.
[...]Snowspeeder Luke, [...]

Stellar figure. When HT gets around to taking a crack at it, I expect a superior paint app on the helmet.

Sculpt and jacket are open to question, but I have more faith in their nailing the cut and sew than nailing the sculpt. Although...and this is a contentious opinion...I do think HT has slowly been getting better on their Hamill likenesses...just nowhere near their best work.
Haha I think those days are over for cheap Star Wars.

Yeah, I do believe they have found their new sweet spot lately. Jawa will probably follow in Krennic and Mudtrooper's footsteps as far as minimal edition size.

I wonder what ever happened to solo_bones? Might be time to hunt him down again.
Probably. At this point, its likely easier to do "runs" as demand demands it. Like re-releasing Vader. Wouldn't be surprised if a 2nd run of R2's happened. Maybe instead of doing 3,000-5,000 figures like they used to, they are doing 1,500 at a time... you know, something like this; smaller runs with additional figures available several months later based on demand.

Jedi/Endor Luke already has 3 variants so likely no rerun there.
Well the Hong Kong sellers are now pricing the first run higher than second run so that tells you all you need to know. I hate all this split shipment nonsense, when a release dropped it used to be all at once. Now even when a product releases after a 15 month wait collector X has to wonder if he/she will be waiting 2-3 months longer than collector Y.
Yeah, that definitely sucks. I've been on the long-wait end of that. Yondu and something else fairly recently.

I hope that's not the case with the Mudtrooper. I'm at Timewalker for that. Hope SS gets enough to share the wealth for a change.

But its understandable why they do it. I mean, SS is offering 20% off on TFA Snowtroopers from 5 years ago. Still. :lol
Probably. At this point, its likely easier to do "runs" as demand demands it. Like re-releasing Vader. Wouldn't be surprised if a 2nd run of R2's happened. Maybe instead of doing 3,000-5,000 figures like they used to, they are doing 1,500 at a time... you know, something like this; smaller runs with additional figures available several months later based on demand.

Jedi/Endor Luke already has 3 variants so likely no rerun there.

I just bought a second r2 in case. If c3po comes out without an r2 on the market, r2 will skyrocket. It is an awesome figure and I now have an r2 for each ot movie. Also, I?m sure pt r2 will debut at some point to milk the release.