There were two Tron figures I believe.
Well, I guess you could count the bike as a figure, and the NON-POSEABLE guy who went ON the bike as a second, but they were a single release and that's all I'm saying.
There were two Tron figures I believe.
There were two Tron figures I believe.
Yep, Jeff Bridges Kevin Flynn and Sam with the light cycle.There were two Tron figures I believe.
I was hoping for Fass at least.
Now I can't make my custom Green Lantern.
Nah, probably just been canceled.Are they holding off on release till the sequel releases trailers/pics and generates hype?
Are they holding off on release till the sequel releases trailers/pics and generates hype?
Is this release not going to see the light of day? Interesting that no other characters from the movie has been shown too. Shame, was a great film.
It's one of HT's best headsculpts too.
Relax this is standard protocol for Hot Toys the did this last year to GI Joe is in a month so expect them to show case all they can from it I would not be surprised if the next release will be the rock considering it looks nearly complete.
If anything X men first class should be shown soon as soon as the get this movie merchandise out of the way
It's coming don't worry the only question is will they make an Eric?
Nova makes a good point, Hot Toys really should just let this license die. Good idea Nova.Thing is their's always a movie to capitlise on, i figured after Avengers and TDKR they'd get to this and their other backlog, and instead it's on to the next blockbusters, GI Joe and Iron Man 3![]()
Nova makes a good point, Hot Toys really should just let this license die. Good idea Nova.
Oh Hush
i'm simply saying the whole idea of waiting until the big movies come and go is pointless as they move onto the next big movies straight after. IM3 doesn't come out for months and they've already started the milkathon
Yeah, kinda..Or did you see Fassbender more in the role than that guy they did cast?
Oh Hush
i'm simply saying the whole idea of waiting until the big movies come and go is pointless as they move onto the next big movies straight after. IM3 doesn't come out for months and they've already started the milkathon.
It;s not as if they've got 7 figures planned and need a stretch of time to get them going, it's only one figure, they could and should slip that in anywhere amongst the milk-ones