Hot Toys - MMS 719, MMS 720, MMS 721, MMS 722 - A New Hope: Sandtrooper Sergeant and Dewback 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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Mine is coming from Planet Fantasy in Belgium in April or May. It's my first order with them. I missed out on ordering from Cites de Nuages.

Any Europeans ever dealt with Planet Fantasy?
As a fellow Aussie I don't know how you can listen to him. Sounds like a wannabe radio DJ. :sick:
Oh..don't get me wrong,it was on mute @Hoody999 . lol
When watching reviews it's mainly for the posing of the figures,not listening to the talking.
and a fellow Aussie,the voice was excruciating a few years back,lol.
Mine is coming from Planet Fantasy in Belgium in April or May. It's my first order with them. I missed out on ordering from Cites de Nuages.

Any Europeans ever dealt with Planet Fantasy?
I bought a Sideshow Dirty Harry there last year. It was an in stock item, so not sure how they deal with pre-orders, but my experience with them was excellent. They shipped the figure right away and very well packaged, so no complaints from me.
Oh..don't get me wrong,it was on mute @Hoody999 . lol
When watching reviews it's mainly for the posing of the figures,not listening to the talking.
and a fellow Aussie,the voice was excruciating a few years back,lol.
Yes as another fellow aussie I rarely watch his videos and if i do itā€™s for reference, he often reviews figs not many other people review and while i donā€™t like his lighting set up at least you get to see the accessories and the level of articulation etc.
just got the notice that the sand trooper is charging tomorrow. Dewback is on flex pay so I have some time. Things are getting expensive. Also, like an idiot I ordered 2 sandtroopers. What the hell was I thinking?

I even ordered a sandtrooper afterwards. Because I think the dewback looks better with two troopers. So you did everything right ;)

You were thinking that two Sandtroopers would be awesome. One on the dewback, one standing. While not fiscally smart, it was quite display smart. Follow me for more enabling comments :)

I wish I was that smart. I ordered the deluxe with a sand trooper and TWO extra sandtroopers. While I also have the original sideshow and the original hot toyā€™s orange. Iā€™m sick and need help. Thatā€™s 5 totalā€¦

Yeah, even I'm thinking you might need something other than this enabling message board to course correct... :rotfl

I've got 2x OG Sandtroopers waiting for my deluxe Dewback with 3rd trooper. Did I over do it ?

Do you also offer counselling ?

Again, my counselling would only result in you having three Dewbacks and five troopers. Good news is my rates are reasonable :)

No shame in having multiple figures of a figure/character you really like :monkey3:monkey3:monkey3
Sandy's here:


Felt like a long time since I received an OT figure.

Looking at my records it has been a long time: Hot Toys' ROTJ Scout Trooper arrived March 2023.
Hot Toys missed a step out with putting the backpack on. You really need to remove the head, lift off the pauldron and slide it far enough down the arm to allow the backpack strap to go over it. Otherwise the pauldron strap prevents the backpack strap from sitting in the shoulder joint.


The big difference that immediately stood out between the Sergeant and the original Sandtrooper was the lack of weathering on the weapons. The originals have a heavy dry brushed sand effect, whereas the Sergeant's look clean enough to be on the Death Star.

Next, the Sergeant looks a little shorter than his older comrade.

The backpack frame feels pretty fragile when clipping the attachments on, so it may be advisable to heat up the clips so you don't need to exert as much pressure on the spindly frame.

When I was trying to put the ring into his hand it either kept popping out or sliding through his fingers. Then I realised I was putting it the wrong way round. The concave side faces outward as per the film, and as HT showed in their promo photos:



It holds much better this way, though the best of the weathering is on the hidden convex side.

Nice to see these guys finally together after around a nine year wait.

I love the jump trooper with the set. I have the space trooper and put a pauldron on him after I snapped the hose to his helmet. Iā€™m going to weather him to fit in with the squad and include a Mandalorian commando that fits the desert vibe.

One of these days, anywayā€¦