Man I cant believe they are still gonna trudge ahead with Prometheus!
That's what I was thinking. How does this take priority over anything X-Men related?
Let's get Wolverine some fighting buddies!
Nothing was officially confirmed.
I'd put money on the fact that X:FC was cancelled and they'll ramp up for DotFP.
Man I cant believe they are still gonna trudge ahead with Prometheus!
i hope its not cancelled (XMFC Xavier).....I was looking forward to this figure.
Unfortunately your spot on Mike, they shoudn't announce them and tease them if they aren't going to make them.
It raises false expectations, if they didn't say they were doing them we woudn't expect the to o them and be waiting.
For example, a Zod teaser is shown at SDCC. SECONDS later, we get NOW WHERE'S FAORA??? That is just mental masterbation! Then when Faora gets announced, it'll be NOW WHERE'S ARMORED JOR-EL.
Don't worry, they'd only cancel this figure if nobody liked the movie and the figure of young Charles Xavier resonated with no one...
could somebody just ask the people at the side show booth were is the dam figure and at this point we really need Eric because having only Eric feels like half a figure.
And seeing the preview pics of Xmen days of the future past I don't think they would make and of the first class people considering they are on 70's gear the older crew are the ones with the costumes
That's how i feel about Jake Sully and no Neytiri...
Its a vicious cycle - no one buys these figures because they think HT won't complete the line and whats the point only have Barnes and Taylor without Elias/Jake Sully without Neytiri. HT doesn't complete the line because not enough people buy their 'test' figures.
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