Funny stuff wookster!!!
Look what I just got!!!
Sadly I have a to get some ****s drawn today so I will not be opening him until tomorrow!
Hope it's OK with you Plasmid I linked to your great pics in my review...
Nice MacBook Pro!!! And Blade is cool too.Anyone know when we'll start seeing this guy in the states???
I really want to open mine but I'm too busy and these really deserve a patient deboxing!
would you believe I give the boxes some love time too. They tend to sit on the table with the figure for the first few evenings.
Tis now fast becoming a kind ritual.
Ok so i finally caved and ordered him last night from onesixthbruce, i know the guy who runs the site comes on here so maybe he can answer my question if not maybe someone who's had theirs from him can, are they in stock now or are they pre-orders? Just curious. Can't wait to get him now, i've held off for quite a while but the recent pics have driven me over the edge.