I own both and I also think the ToyBiz Blade headsculpt has a better likeness. It just has a horrible paintjob and no texture.
You can kill me now...
Dude seriouslyhis head looks like its been hit by a truck, then someone done bad surgery with a wooden spoon on him
I own both and I also think the ToyBiz Blade headsculpt has a better likeness. It just has a horrible paintjob and no texture.
You can kill me now...
I think Hot Toys really dropped the ball on the likeness here. I have the Hot Toys headsculpt and the Toy Biz headscuplt, and the Toy Biz one wins hands down in the likeness department. The paint is not as nice as HT, but the Toy Biz likeness is fantastic. I am not sure if it is true, but I have heard that the Toy Biz head was created from a 3-D scan of Snipes' head.
The best Blade figure for me is the Toy Biz head on the HT body/gear.
Who from and how much, if you don't mind me asking Capt. I got mine for A$170 shipped from Hong Kong. Just interested in seeing if there's some place local that's competitively priced.I just ordered Blade from a local seller here in Aus. I look forward to receiving it soon. I've been looking forward to this since the thread started, the in hand pics look awesome.
Alot of people coming out of the woodwork to show their ignorance and arrogance. People I've never seen in this thread before. Bunch of witless bandwagon jumpers and deck stackers.
It's not a matter of comparing a $40 mass produced and painted figure from nearly a decade ago with a high end companies limited edition collectors item of $160. Nor is it conveniently using an amateur photographers picture and comparing it to a professional shot portrait. No, the comparison boils down to comparing a sculpt, to the man himself and seeing where the similarities or differences are.
Hottoys still wins here too...