Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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You should post that to their facebook page; maybe they'll take the hint.
Probably too late at this point anyway but yeah that'd be funny.

Personally I was always happy with the head sizes of previous predator figures from HT proportionally speaking. Of course since the preds should have been bigger overall their heads likewise should have been bigger to match. So yeah it could be that the Berserker's head is the same size as existing predator heads and just looks smaller on the new body. Hot Toys may have been trying to stay consistent with the others in the headsize - but I feel that since these are supposed to be 'super' predators going bigger to match the new body size would have been acceptable even if it meant having bigger heads than all other Predator figures.
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^Well, as a practical example: humans with larger bodies tend to have smaller looking heads, and in contrast, midgets seem to have larger heads due to their smaller bodies.

That said, I don't believe that cranium size and height are proportional to one-another. Although, I could be wrong...
I always thought the Pred1 figure had broader shoulders than it was supposed to. It's certainly more broad than the Berserker's, which should be an advantage for the latter figure, making his head appear larger than Pred1.

Taking into consideration the immense size of the Berserker's body, I think this is the reason for the smaller looking head :lecture.

Thats true but HT should have sculpted the head larger then. The current head and bio do look nice and proportionate but in the movie all the "Super" Preds a big "bobble heads" and bios. I hate to compare HT and NECA as they are like apples and oranges but look at the NECA Berserker and Falconer, the heads are accurately proportioned to what was seen on screen.

Anywho though I still can't wait for Berserker reguardless, he's my most anticipated figure atm and he will be my first HT Pred (unless I find a P1 or P2 or Wolf Pred at retail price by the tme Beserker is released but I'm not gonna hold my breath).
^The Berserker is going to be my first Hot Toys Pred figure as well. I actually thought that the NECA body was a bit too skinny, compared to the character from the movie. So, it seems as if the Hot Toys figure has a small head, while the NECA figure needs to hit the gym more often.

Movie shot:


NECA figure:

Looks too skinny to me. The silhouette teaser shots from NECA for Berserker and Falconer actually looked like females compared to the silhouette teaser shot of their P1. :lol

what happens? they do not see??
that head is very small. neca figures are of very inferior quality. but their proportions are correct. hottoys sell us very expensive figures. This error is unforgivable
the predator is much better Proportions falconer. but you can not separate your bio
hottoys again fails. no matter which face is not visible. in the movie. but we all imagine it is. they just had to double the face berseker. and put in falconer.
hottoys damned. they do not care. and make mistakes that I can not understand

they just want to take and sell. have misbehaved again:gah:

^The reason for why the bio can't be separated on the Falconer, isn't Hot Toys' fault. They did construct a head for the Falconer, but it was rejected by publisher. I'm guessing that it's probably because the Falconer's face was never shown during the movie. The same goes for the other "Tusk" Predator, in which we never saw its face.

I assume, that out of the three movie Predators, the Berserker will be the only Hot Toys release that will have a head, with a removable bio.
it's the big head,that makes the body look skinny.

For me, no. I'm not even looking at the head, just the body in general is small. Even compared to the P1 that NECA released with the set (which is also skinny).

I assume, that out of the three movie Predators, the Berserker will be the only Hot Toys release that will have a head, with a removable bio.

Yeah it looks that way. I can't see HT not getting approval for Falconer but somehow getting approval for Tracker. So expect the same exact set-up: non-removable Bio.
This figure looks fine as is... Thats why I ordered him... By the way I came across all the NECA Predators figures finally the other day... Wow has everyone gone nutz... They all fail when compared to Hottoys vers... I wouldn spend 15 a pop on each... EVER... Everyone out there saying the Classic is better the the Hottoys P1 is BIG JOKE... Maybe they couldnt get the P1 and are just mad LOL...
This figure looks fine as is... Thats why I ordered him... By the way I came across all the NECA Predators figures finally the other day... Wow has everyone gone nutz... They all fail when compared to Hottoys vers... I wouldn spend 15 a pop on each... EVER... Everyone out there saying the Classic is better the the Hottoys P1 is BIG JOKE... Maybe they couldnt get the P1 and are just mad LOL...

The sculpt is superior to the HT P1 but the paint job isn't.
I NEEEEEEED this figure! :horror. Especially since it's my first Hot Toys Predator. I'll scream like a little girl once my pre-order ships.
Well, it's supposed to ship Q4... so October, November, or December.

My guess is December. I'd say posting Devil's edit on their FB page might actually still be a go.