Who cares as long as they look good, that's all that matters to me. I see more right with things than wrong.
Well...me and quite a few others obviously.

Who cares as long as they look good, that's all that matters to me. I see more right with things than wrong.
I know exactly what you are talking about. I wanted Berseker to be bigger and have that "tarantula" head so many people hated. To me the berserker from the film looked better than any other predator Ive seen. He looked menacing, strong, and very vicious to me. I just said forget it Ill just look at it as another version of the berserker. And I really wanted a berserker figure and I knew no other company could compete with Hot Toys. Another thing thats needs to be said is that this figure isnt to please people who didnt like him in the movie. The figure is suppose to be accurate and true to how berserker looked in the movie. Im happy with this figure but if it looked true to the movie Id be estatic about it.Well...me and quite a few others obviously.![]()
Great pics of the BZKR the last few pages, thanks. Question, are the ankle pegs fused to the lower legs? If so this (body type) could be a huge fail should they break, and can't be replaced.
do you think that T-800(arnie) ankle pegs could work as extension? which HT figure has longer foot pegs? would it leave a gap between the pred's "armored jandals" if you extend this peg?(shucks, that could be the tweak i need...if HT does tweak the later batch, yey.)
^somebody said this one before in here, it will look better displayed with the medicom collection.
looks cute with medi zombie snake.
Well...me and quite a few others obviously.![]()
Other negative point to add to this figure , this ankle pegs make very dificult to get an easy tweak for the height.....
I actually like that super huge ankle peg. I rather not have this figure stand on 2 tiny pegs knowing that it'll snap at any given time.
It's going to take more than you guys to try and dull down the positive reactions from people when they get him. I'll bet you won't have much to say when you get yours. The last thing my friends will do when they see it is nitpick it's height.
I understand what was said but I don't agree with it. Hot Toys has created exactly what I was expecting. I'm not disappointed about something that I don't see as a problem. He is accurate to the movie. The adjustments made were for the better. The greater majority of those that have been complaining lately have decided to buy, so the pros must obviously far outweigh the cons. So all the cursing and accusations were silly, I think.
Other negative point to add to this figure , this ankle pegs make very dificult to get an easy tweak for the height.....
I'll have a lot of praise, I just don't see why we shouldn't be a bit miffed that HT shrunk him down after putting such emphasis on his size in the initial photos....and, up to present, not dropping the price. Figures still cool but dodgy move by HT.
Totally agree with you there. Seems a lost point a fair amount of people though. They seem to just take the attitude of "its a predator and I looks like the movie one". The negatives just seem lost on them.
Still a great figure with a great look. He may be shorter than his screen brother but he's still a part of the Berserker family.
Edit : fasto - Before the people that dispute the hight come on. The second pic. Classic is on his knees.
I agree 100%Head still looks small to me
As for the pros and cons for me here's my list
1. It's an HT Pred
2. The likelyhood of the price significantly increasing is highly likely
3. The paint job is flawless as expected.
4. The sculpt itself is beautiful including the head however inaccurate and underscaled it is.
1. Very few accessories
2. Small head and bio
3. Small dreads
4. Inncaurately sculpted head (like I said the sculpt istelf is beatiful but no matter how you look at it it's still innaccurate. I really think wider and larger mandibles would have went a long way)
5. $200 price tag for a figure with all these innacuracies and few accessories.
6. Though the height itself is a non issue for me I still feel like HT purpously mislead its coustomers into beliving they were gonna get a larger figure.
7. Despite all the cons I've just listed I'm still probably gonna pick this up cause I'm a pathetic sheep and quite frankly I want a bad ass 1/6 scaled, poseable Berserker on my shelf and HT is my only option atm![]()