Super Freak
I was supposed to get this Friday but UPS failed now I have wait until Monday 

Well, the e-mail addy for the account is my folks', since it's their PP that's registered. I looked on the webmail and noticed that my last RE message was addressed straight from Mike. Crap. I think my mom must've deleted it -- without even knowing what it was. Problem is, it won't even appear in Deleted Items, since my parents like to get rid of things for good. Classic.
Sent Mike an e-mail asking for the in-stock notice again, if I ever was sent one. Faaaaantastic. Guess this guy won't be home in time for Christmas... I hate being 16.
Might be due to the time of year, a lot of parcels are delayed and such due to the Christmas rush
I just placed an order for 2 of these guys, because of most everybody having rave reviews about the figure. Has anybody every ordered from Supernatural Art before? I ordered from them, since they had the best price and shipping.
Okay, ran into a little issue when setting the figure up. For some reason, the mask is not lighting up. I thingk I have read that someone else had the same issue, but cannot find the post. Without going through all the pages, can someone update me? BTW, I inserted the battery as instructed. Thanks in advance.
Wow. it seems many of these are having issues with the Targeting Lasers. Either they never work at all or fail after some use. P1 didn't seem to have that many issues with this. I didn't check it it the same setup as P1?
Did you attach the cover? Mine wouldn't light until I re-attached the battery cover (it snapped into place, I hadn't screwed it in yet). Even then I had to flip it to the ON position and then wiggle it slightly back towards OFF for it to stay lit.
I think it has to do with the connector, but that's a total guess. The only other Pred I owned was Wolf V2 and he didn't light up. I'm glad I got mine working but I would not be surprised if it quits at any time. Frankly I don't really care about light up features (don't use them much) so I probably won't even notice when it goes.
Tried it 3 times, even wiggled the batteries a bit to make sure it touches the contacts. No luck. I may go out and get a new battery to see if that's the issue.
Is the connector accessible? and if it is does it feel loose when plugging in? Perhaps a little electrical lube might help the connection.
Like archeology, HT light-up features are not an exact science.
Good luck!
No.... HT's light-up feature is wiring simplicity itself ... just LED and a switch between the batteries' poles..
Any failure in the wiring/switch/LED (spring/contacts) will cause it to not light-up. Because of the simplicity it also makes it fairly easy to repair/re-solder/re-wire....
And of course weak batteries (just use a cheap voltmeter to check). Batteries used are either 1.5v or 3.0v.
So, HT light-up is "an exact science", just that QC by HT could be better.... or if the customers have the very basic in wiring.
Same thing happened to Wookster.
Are you a neighbor state to California?Does UPS not update it's tracking system regularly? I ordered a Berserker from Sideshow and it the last update said that it's still in California since the 14th and it's supposed to be delivered tomorrow and still on time.