What's with the waiting after you receive them? You seemed so pumped for the human characters of the film... Royce is calling, Ski.

What's with the waiting after you receive them? You seemed so pumped for the human characters of the film... Royce is calling, Ski.
Ugh...I'm sooooo tired of Predators and Terminators.
Ugh...I'm sooooo tired of Predators and Terminators.
Not enough neon for ya right?!
No its more like when a really good song comes out but all the radio stations play it over and over and over then it becomes lame and played out.Thats kinda whats happening with a new predator and terminator figure every month. And yes I freakin LOVE neon!
I'm a bit bored of the same Terminator and Predator threads. I was really hoping we'd have a new one or two to post in with the Tokyo show.
They only way my LED's work, is that if i put the switch between off and on.
^^ Aside from minor painting and a couple small changes in the face all these predators are exactly the same. And when you're asking over $150 a piece and some of the older one going for over $500 it gets out of control. Believe me when I say i do like HT Preds but really they have focused enough man power on them for long enough and its time to maybe let the franchise go.